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Talk, Listen, Change Young People’s Programme

4 Mar 2021 - 15:10 by michelle.foster

talk listen changeTalk, Listen, Change has a new programme engaging with young people who use harm, this programme will run in several boroughs including Stockport, Manchester, Wigan and Salford; this programme is funded by the Home Office and so will be at no cost to the local authority, providers, or agencies.  

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Manchester Mind – Mindful March

4 Mar 2021 - 15:08 by michelle.foster

mindful march“... mindfulness is a skill that has made such a huge difference in both my emotions and perspectives”

With so many people struggling at the current time due to social distancing and isolation perhaps mindfulness could help you?

Mindfulness meditation has been shown in many studies to be useful for helping people manage stress, anxiety, depression, and enhance their wellbeing.

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Be Smoke Free Manchester

4 Mar 2021 - 15:05 by michelle.foster

be smoke freeBe Smoke Free is a tobacco addiction service that supports people in Manchester to stop smoking via a nurse led evidence-based service. Be Smoke Free Manchester can provide direct supply pharmacotherapy and psychosocial support to anyone who is in treatment with them.

You can still refer to Be Smoke Free during the Covid-19 outbreak.

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Community Matters – Community Buildings Research

4 Mar 2021 - 15:03 by michelle.foster

community mattersCommunity Matters are about to start a follow up research project looking at how Community Spaces are coping with the ongoing Covid-19 restrictions and what the future holds. The other part of the research is in the form of interviews – if you would be interested in taking part in this email Heather at: [email protected]

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How to use easyfundraising to benefit from free funding for your organisation webinar recording

4 Mar 2021 - 10:17 by michelle.foster

easyfundraisingLast week we hosted a webinar with easyfundraising, you can now watch the recording of the webinar for free. easyfundraising turns your everyday online shopping into free donations for your favourite cause.

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Funding bulletin March 2021

1 Mar 2021 - 14:15 by michelle.foster

maccInformation for the bulletin is compiled from a number of sources including Grantfinder, and direct from funders themselves. It showcases just a few of the hundreds of funding opportunities available for local community, voluntary and faith organisations.

This bulletin is produced by a partnership of local support and development agencies across Greater Manchester.

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Development grants for VCSE groups who offer maternity-related mental health support

25 Feb 2021 - 11:41 by michelle.foster

gmhscpThe Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership are leading a programme to improve mental health support and services for families in pregnancy and the first two years of a child’s life.

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Manchester’s surge testing – what you need to know webinar

23 Feb 2021 - 12:02 by michelle.foster

Surge testing for new variants of Covid-19 has come to parts of Manchester. This webinar gave an opportunity for the local community to hear the latest news about the programme – why it’s been introduced, how it’s progressing and what the local community can do to promote uptake.

David Regan, Director of Public Health for Manchester gave an overview and answered questions on this important work for the city.

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