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Manchester Disabled People’s Engagement Panel

25 Mar 2021 - 14:24 by michelle.foster

opportunityApplications are now open for individuals to join the new Manchester Disabled People’s Engagement Panel. Members of the panel will use their lived experience of disability to ensure that Manchester’s services and businesses do not create unexpected barriers to disabled people. It aims to be a ‘go-to’ group where key organisations from across public services and businesses in the city will come to get advice on being more inclusive.

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Greater Manchester Wellbeing Toolkit is now live

25 Mar 2021 - 14:22 by michelle.foster

gm wellbeing toolkitThe Greater Manchester Wellbeing Toolkit for the health and care workforce and is an interactive online toolkit to help support you to be your best. The last twelve months have been really challenging for us all, and it is more important than ever that we all prioritise good wellbeing in everything we do.

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Tackling women’s multiple disadvantage in Greater Manchester

25 Mar 2021 - 14:18 by michelle.foster

tackling womrn's multiple disadvantage in GMA new briefing by women’s rights charities highlights that over 60,000 women and girls in Manchester have experienced extensive violence and abuse in their lifetime. It calls for all local authorities in Greater Manchester to work together to ensure the most marginalised women are included and involved in its Covid-19 recovery plans.

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Free online training sessions from Answer Cancer, the Greater Manchester Cancer Screening Engagement Programme

25 Mar 2021 - 14:16 by michelle.foster

answer cancerCancer awareness saves lives. Every year thousands of people are diagnosed with Cancer. We know that the earlier a cancer is detected, the better the outcome for the people involved. Early detection saves lives. Cancer screening saves lives. Why not top up your knowledge and confidence so that you can help yourself, your family members, community leaders and staff.

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LGBT+ centre update – it's gold

25 Mar 2021 - 14:12 by michelle.foster

lgbt centreAt the end of February the scaffolding came down on the LGBT+ Centre to reveal the newly installed cladding – it's gold! With the cladding fitted, the Centre is a literal shining beacon for the LGBT+ community. The building is still on track to be finished by the summer and The Proud Trust are so excited for the moment they get to finally move in.

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GM Poverty Action newsletter 24 March 2021

25 Mar 2021 - 14:10 by michelle.foster

gmpaThe latest GM Poverty Action newsletter announces the appointment of four new non-executive directors to the GMPA board. Reflecting on the ‘Strengthening the role of local welfare provision’ report – GM Poverty Action consider what the next steps should be and share a report on the rising costs of childcare as providers struggle to remain sustainable.

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The Baring Foundation’s Arts Programme

16 Mar 2021 - 15:14 by michelle.foster

baring foundationThis new fund is designed to support activity to redress the under-representation of participatory artists from ethnically diverse communities in arts and mental health.

In this round, the Baring Foundation are looking for projects that:

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