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Cracking Good Christmas appeal

16 Dec 2020 - 14:23 by michelle.foster

cracking good foodThis Christmas, Cracking Good Food are teaming up with Lifeshare, Niamos Centre and Brunswick Church to cook and distribute 250 festive meals to Manchester residents experiencing homelessness, poverty and social isolation. In addition, they will be providing a range of wellbeing services including a winter clothes bank.

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An exciting new programme from Church Action on Poverty

16 Dec 2020 - 14:10 by michelle.foster

church action on povertyChurch Action on Poverty is launching a brand new Speaking Truth to Power programme kicks off in January and are looking to recruit 24 individuals with lived experience of poverty (or a close ally working with people who have lived experience) to speak truth to power locally and nationally.

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Strengthening the role of local welfare assistance schemes

16 Dec 2020 - 14:08 by michelle.foster

gmpaThe government used to operate a crisis support scheme called the Discretionary Social Fund. This supported vulnerable people to live independently in their homes, and people facing a sudden financial crisis. It was an important and necessary part of the social security safety net, preventing people from falling into hardship and alleviating pressure on other parts of the welfare system.

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Doing Buses Differently: The impact of Covid-19 on our proposals for the future of your buses

16 Dec 2020 - 14:06 by michelle.foster

bus consultationLast year, Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) held a consultation on a proposed franchising scheme. This would bring buses under local control as part of an integrated transport network. In June, GMCA received the results of the consultation but decided, before a final decision could be made, that the impact of Covid-19 on the bus market and the proposed franchising scheme should be considered.

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Join the Tenants' Voices Legislative Theatre online workshops: Arts for advocacy

16 Dec 2020 - 14:04 by michelle.foster

fair housing futuresHave you experienced challenges as a tenant in the private rental sector?
Do you have ideas to improve tenant-landlord relations, or to protect tenants' rights?
Want to make a change?

Led by theatre facilitator Katy Rubin, these drop-in workshops will lead to an opportunity to participate in a community theatre project to support and strengthen tenants' rights.

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Heritage Treasures day 2021 – 11 January

16 Dec 2020 - 14:02 by michelle.foster

heritage fundThe National Lottery Heritage Fund want to kick off 2021 by celebrating the great work done by the heritage sector during the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic.

On Monday 11 January, The National Lottery Heritage Fund will be running their annual Heritage Treasures day, and they’d like you to join in the celebrations.

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Covid-19 vaccine ready for Manchester rollout

11 Dec 2020 - 08:46 by michelle.foster

The final preparations are being made in anticipation of Manchester’s first cohort of patients being given the Covid-19 vaccine.

From Wednesday 16 December, Manchester residents aged 80 and above who are able to travel will be invited to receive the vaccine at the Active Lifestyle Centre in Wythenshawe.

This site was identified as the best initial location to roll out community-based vaccination in Manchester, with additional Primary Care Network sites to be announced in the coming weeks.

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Thriving Communities Fund

10 Dec 2020 - 15:41 by michelle.foster

fundingThe aim of the Thriving Communities Fund is to bring together place-based partnerships that strengthen local infrastructure for social prescribing. Furthermore, the fund aims to plan and deliver a range of community-level activities and support by addressing community well-being. In delivering this, the fund seeks to make these partnerships and funding of delivery sustainable over a long-term perspective. 

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