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Manchester International Festival – I love you too project

22 Jan 2021 - 10:44 by michelle.foster

mifHave you got a love story you’d like to share? I Love You Too is a new artwork being created for this summer’s Manchester International Festival (MIF21), which takes place 1-18 July 2021.

If you have a love story you’d like to share, or if you want to express your love for the important people, places, objects and experiences in your life, MIF would like to hear from you.

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GM Poverty Action Newsletter 20 January 2021

22 Jan 2021 - 10:28 by michelle.foster

gmpaIn GM Poverty Action’s first issue of 2021, Councillor Paula Wakefield from Wigan Council writes about the importance of socio-economic duty and there is information about forthcoming training courses and the Inequalities Commission survey. There is also an article by Groundwork about fuel poverty and what they can do to help households in Greater Manchester and a number of other short pieces.

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Keeping Children Safe Online During Covid-19.

15 Jan 2021 - 09:40 by cheryl.mcalister

Free webinars for parents and carers across the UK.

Do the parents and carers in your school or community group need support in keeping their young people safe online during this difficult time?

Screentime amongst young people has reportedly increased by 500% so keeping young people safe online has never been more important. Online issues such as bullying, hate speech, fake news, sexual harassment and exposure to upsetting content have increased at an alarming rate during the pandemic.   

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Serious Violence Reduction Campaign – Parents and young person’s survey

14 Jan 2021 - 15:12 by michelle.foster

surveyGreater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) and the Violence Reduction Unit (VRU) are launching a Greater Manchester-wide survey to help develop a new campaign for young people, to support them to achieve their aspirations and to not get involved in crime.

The campaign will be positive and will be developed with input from young people. It will also offer support to parents and carers to help young people get on well in life.

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Greater Manchester Technology Fund – launched by Mayor of Greater Manchester

14 Jan 2021 - 13:29 by michelle.foster

gmcaGreater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) has launched phase two of the Greater Manchester Technology Fund as an emergency response to support disadvantaged young people learning from home, following the lockdown announcement and immediate closure of schools and colleges.

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Free activities to help Greater Manchester residents through the winter

14 Jan 2021 - 11:05 by michelle.foster

greater momentsThere are now hundreds of free activities on offer to help older Greater Manchester residents through the winter, especially those living with dementia.

The activities will be provided through the Greater Moments app in partnership with Bright Copper Kettles CIC, an organisation who provides practical, evidence-based wellbeing activities within care homes.

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