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Love Our City TaraTalks – invitation to capacity building sessions

22 Jan 2021 - 11:24 by michelle.foster

manchester bme networkThe Manchester BME Network CIC warmly invite you to a series of online community conversations as part of their continuing Love Our City Project funded by RadEqual. These are capacity building sessions aimed at informing and empowering BME communities and individuals – you are welcome to attend any or all of these sessions free of charge.

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Free and funded support/training for small local organisations

22 Jan 2021 - 11:17 by michelle.foster

beyondBeyond is a free programme of design and digital training to help non-profits adapt and respond in times of crisis. The programme is available to all non-profits in England. It also provides four sectors working with those hardest hit by Covid-19 access to coaching from experienced practitioners and additional sector-specific training. Those are financial wellbeing, early years, mental health and sexual and domestic violence.

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Young Manchester are recruiting for Young Ambassadors

22 Jan 2021 - 11:13 by michelle.foster

young manchesterThe Young Ambassadors are active young people aged 15-21 who represent Young Manchester in their local communities and media platforms. Young Ambassadors have a voice in governance through Young Manchester’s grant and interview panels as well as representing them when visiting partners, completing mini-missions and organising events for young people across the city.

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CAHN Employee Assistance Programme survey

22 Jan 2021 - 11:09 by michelle.foster

cahnThe Caribbean and African Health Network (CAHN) is developing an Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) for Caribbean and African people in the workplace considering the health disparities in the Black community. There is much evidence that a culturally competent service will have better outcomes hence the development of a Black-led service offer.

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Words that Count

22 Jan 2021 - 11:02 by michelle.foster

words that countRead Manchester have launched Words that Count as part of Experian’s United for Financial Health programme, which looks to support the financial recovery and wellbeing of young people in Manchester affected by Covid-19. Words that Count is a financial literacy campaign for young people aged 16-24 which aims to help young people understand their personal finances better.

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M-EET Your Match

22 Jan 2021 - 11:01 by michelle.foster

meet your matchM-EET Your Match has an online list of opportunities (volunteering, educational courses, work placements, life and employment skills courses, and Level 2 apprenticeships) for people who live in Manchester.  If you find something you’re interested in you can click and register directly with the organisers who will then contact you.

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2027 – applications now open

22 Jan 2021 - 10:59 by michelle.foster

2027Do you have experience working or volunteering in a frontline-based role in your community, or have lived experience of issues affecting working-class communities? Are you keen to develop your career, getting paid whilst undertaking first-class professional development and having a say on how funding is spent? Do you consider yourself to be from a working-class community?

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Department for Work and Pensions change in opening hours

22 Jan 2021 - 10:57 by michelle.foster

dwpTo help keep customers and colleagues as safe as possible in the latest phase of the pandemic, the Department has decided jobcentre opening hours will be 10am to 2pm from week beginning 18 January 2021.

This temporary change means the jobcentres can continue providing safe, essential services for those who need to come into the jobcentre and who are unable to interact on the phone or digitally.

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