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The Pankhurst Trust Appeal launched after break in

4 Oct 2019 - 13:58 by michelle.foster

You may now have heard the news that The Pankhurst Centre have had a series of break-ins to the parlour where the suffragette movement began. Unfortunately, there was fairly extensive damage and they have launched an appeal to help pay for the repairs and secure the Pankhurst Centre for the future.

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Third Sector Survey on Engaging the next generation of donors

4 Oct 2019 - 13:54 by michelle.foster

Millennials are shaking up core societal traditions. Recognising the difference in how younger generations behave, what their preferences are and how these qualities give them a sizeable influence on the philanthropic space is key to securing the future of your charity.

Third Sector has partnered with Give as you Live Donate to carry out industry research on the topic, and they need your input.

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Exciting New Opportunity in Greater Manchester for 19-24yrs

4 Oct 2019 - 13:52 by michelle.foster

Do you know someone who would love to work in a role, where you get to create and build in venues such as theatres, arts centres and studios?

The Factory Academy’s aim is to open up opportunities by creating entry level roles and development apprenticeships for technicians, producers, managers and front of house staff - roles that don't require formal further or higher educational qualifications.

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Be part of a bigger story – Try Shared Reading in Manchester

4 Oct 2019 - 13:51 by michelle.foster

Shared Reading brings people together through great literature to talk, laugh and share. Drop in to this brand-new monthly Shared Reading group and enjoy listening to a story or poem – no pressure to talk or read.

10am-11.30am on Tuesday 15 October, Tuesday 12 November, Tuesday 17 December at Glass Activity Room, Lower Ground Floor, Manchester Central Library.

Meet people, share experiences, feel connected.

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Free training from the Gambling Support Service for North West organisations

4 Oct 2019 - 13:49 by michelle.foster

It is estimated there are over 400,000 problem gamblers in the UK and the Gambling Support Service delivered by Citizens Advice Wirral is offering free training to frontline staff and volunteers across the North West in order to offer support to any of your service users who might be struggling with this.

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The GM Law Centre Proposed Public Space Protection Order Letter

4 Oct 2019 - 13:48 by michelle.foster

GM Law CentreThe GM Law Centre has drafted a letter in opposition to the proposed Public Space Protection Order (PSPO). The Manchester Homelessness Partnership gathered and shared the views of people who are homeless in the first consultation, but there is still opportunity to influence the Councils decision on it.

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Funding bulletin October 2019

2 Oct 2019 - 09:58 by michelle.foster

MaccInformation for the bulletin is compiled from a number of sources including Grantfinder, and direct from funders themselves. It showcases just a few of the hundreds of funding opportunities available for local community, voluntary and faith organisations.

This bulletin is produced by a partnership of local support and development agencies across Greater Manchester.

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Citizens Advice Manchester Energy Advice Service - Helping people to do their bit for the planet by being energy savvy

27 Sep 2019 - 15:16 by tony.russ

Citizens Advice Manchester have been delivering energy advice for 8 years, and their team of 7 advisers are National Energy Action (NEA) qualified. They are dedicated to helping combat fuel poverty through providing one-to-one advice and support to people experiencing difficulties with their energy costs or who are at risk of fuel poverty. This includes:

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Spare the air - "School children, teachers and Whalley Range Climate Action Group plan a "car idling and parking" ticket scheme to promote clean air

27 Sep 2019 - 14:56 by tony.russ

Today members of the Clean Air and Healthy Streets subgroup of the Whalley Range Climate Action Group met to plan further awareness-raising activities with schools in Whalley Range. The climate action group is an informal network of around 40 local people, currently building-on the success of Clean Air Day in June, which saw a road outside of a Whalley Range school closed to vehicles.

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