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Henshaws Board of Trustees opportunities

11 May 2018 - 11:36 by michelle.foster

Henshaws is a well-established registered charity based in the North of England providing expert support, advice and training to people affected by sight loss and other disabilities, including autism and complex needs. The resources include a specialist further education College, an Arts and Crafts Centre and Housing and Community Support services. Henshaws

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Children and parents in Manchester need your support – Home-Start Manchester is looking for volunteers to support families in their homes

11 May 2018 - 11:28 by michelle.foster

Do you have parenting or caring experience and 2-3 hours a week spare at a time convenient to you? Home-start

Could you provide friendship and support to a family near you who is isolated and struggling due to poverty, poor mental health, disability, bereavement, relationship breakdown, housing issues?

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The Big Lunch 2018 – 3 June 2018

11 May 2018 - 11:26 by michelle.foster

The Big Lunch is the UK's biggest annual get together for neighbours.  It's a simple idea - that for a few glorious hours, cars stop, shyness stops and neighbours come together in the street to meet, greet, share, swap, sing, plan and laugh.  In 2017, 9.3 million people took to their streets, gardens and neighbourhoods to join in for a few hours of community, friendship and fun. The Big Lunch

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Less than 2 weeks to go before Sell It For MCR - Manchester’s next biggest fundraising event

8 May 2018 - 11:17 by michelle.foster

Sell It For MCR celebrates the launch of Buengo, a brand new fundraising app which allows users to sell the things they no longer need and donate the proceeds to good causes - think virtual charity shop! Sell it for MCR with Buengo

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Voices from the Frontline – apply by 29 May 2018

4 May 2018 - 11:02 by michelle.foster

Voices from the Frontline supports women’s organisations to shine a light on their fight for gender equality in the UK. It resources advocacy, campaigning and activists with lived experience of injustice and inequality – giving voice especially to women facing intersecting disadvantages including race, class, sexuality, disability, poverty or migration status. Voices from the frontline

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