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Miles Platting Community Organiser Course

16 Apr 2018 - 10:59 by helen.walker

Healthy Me Healthy Communities are running a Community Organiser course for four weeks from Monday 23rd April (you will need to attend all four sessions). 

This course will give you a flavour of the key elements of community organising. It will include:

- The community organising process, what it is and how it differs from other community work
- The importance of listening in building relationships
- Power and power dynamics and their relevance to community organising
- Moving from listening to action

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Comic Relief – Safe, Secure, Settled fund

13 Apr 2018 - 10:00 by michelle.foster

This initiative will invest in projects that are using sport to improve the lives of young people without a safe or secure place to live, helping them to gain the skills and resources to lead safe and positive lives. Comic Relief will consider work that supports children and young people aged up to and including 25. Comic Relief will also consider family-based interventions where the majority of beneficiaries are under 25. Comic Relief

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Griffins Society Fellowship Programme for women in the criminal justice system

13 Apr 2018 - 09:58 by michelle.foster

The 2018 Griffins Society Fellowship Programme is now open to applications. 2018 is the 100th anniversary of women’s suffrage, and the Fellowship is seeking applicants to contribute to practice and policy debates around women with convictions by undertaking their own pioneering research. The Griffins Society

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Volunteer for Manchester Day – the city’s big day out

13 Apr 2018 - 09:54 by michelle.foster

Make sure you have a unique Manchester Day experience by being part of the show. Manchester Day 2018

There are hundreds of opportunities to be part of the event, and Manchester Day is looking for enthusiastic people to play a key role in helping to bring the streets of Manchester alive with colour, music and performances.

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Domestic Abuse Consultation deadline 31 May 2018

13 Apr 2018 - 09:51 by michelle.foster

The Home Office have launched a public consultation ‘Transforming the response to domestic abuse’. Ministry of Justice

Throughout the twelve week consultation period the government will be listening to partners, to the many organisations and their staff working to tackle domestic abuse, and to the public. To anyone who has been affected by domestic abuse or knows of someone who has.

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