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Barly belongs here

27 Apr 2018 - 10:57 by michelle.foster

This information is being circulated on behalf of RAPAR.

Please show and share your solidarity with Barly Koyangbwa, Leading Member of RAPAR and tireless helper and organiser with refugee people within many organisations in Greater Manchester and Nationally. Contact [email protected] if you have an event or meeting that Barly may speak at and sign and share this petition: https://you.38degrees.org.uk/petitions/barly-belongs-here

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Black screens film festival – film screenings

27 Apr 2018 - 10:55 by michelle.foster

Black screens film festival is dedicated to showcase black related films and documentaries. The main goal of the festival is to create a platform where the audience can learn more about black history, what black people went through during slavery, how they have progressed since then, and the mental struggles they face in today’s society. Films

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Offer of NHS fully funded places for Managers on Disability and Inclusion Training Workshops

27 Apr 2018 - 10:51 by cheryl.mcalister

The development of these workshops follows a recent piece of research that was commissioned by the Manchester Health and Wellbeing Board (HWB) to ‘take a transparent look’ at workplace health in public sector organisations across the city. The research found that whilst there are pockets of good practice, there are some significant gaps, particularly in relation to disability where more needs to be done to support employees to participate in, remain in, and thrive through work.

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Take part in a user group to create a new GDPR product

27 Apr 2018 - 10:48 by michelle.foster

HAPUS together with a partner, Nova, a Manchester/Liverpool based company that helps start up businesses develop digital services is creating a product that will help economically challenged organisations such as Schools, Public Sector orgs, Social Enterprises and Charities meet not only the challenge of understanding GDPR as it evolves over the coming years but in implementing, collecting and evidencing compliance activities and artefacts so that the relationship with the ICO is easily managed.

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Invitation to talk about housing with architecture students

19 Apr 2018 - 07:34 by jack.puller

"Care & Repair England aims to improve housing & related services so that older people can live independently in their own homes for as long as they choose.

  • Our special focus is on older people living in poor or unsuitable private housing
  • We work with, and not just for, older people
  • We innovate, develop, support and promote practical housing help eg with home repairs, adaptations, or advice about moving home

We seek to improve related policy and practice."

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