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All Sector News

Worker bees coming together to ignite a 'Spirit of Manchester'

10 Aug 2017 - 09:30 by michelle.foster

Entirely North West have featured the launch of Spirit of Manchester Business on their website:

A new Spirit of Manchester Business programme is being pioneered by Macc, Manchesters local voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) sector support organisation.

Spirit of Manchester Business Launch

A NEW project to unite worker bees across the private and voluntary sector has been launched.

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This is Human

4 Aug 2017 - 15:38 by michelle.foster

This August, there is a fantastic takeover programme called This is Human taking place at HOME in Manchester. It launches on Wednesday 9 August at 6pm. Home

The programme has been developed over the past 12 months by a diverse team of young creatives aged 18-25. They have come up with ideas that are all about exploring what makes us human.

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Manchester Work Club Funding Programme 2017-18

4 Aug 2017 - 11:09 by michelle.foster

Manchester City Council recognises the important role Work Clubs play in providing informal employment support to Manchester residents. Manchester City Council

In light of this the Work and Skills Team will be managing a small grant programme to support organisations based in the City of Manchester who are delivering work club activities.

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People's Postcode Trust - Small Grants Programme apply by 28 August 2017

4 Aug 2017 - 11:03 by michelle.foster

People’s Postcode Trust is a grant-giving body funded by players of People’s Postcode Lottery. People’s Postcode Trust provides funding opportunities to community groups and charities in Scotland, England and Wales, through grants ranging from £500 - £20,000 (or up to £10,000 in Wales). People's Postcode Trust

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TLC - St Lukes: community, healthy living, arts, mental health

4 Aug 2017 - 10:54 by michelle.foster

TLC - St Lukes are a small local charity in Longsight / Ardwick based at St Lukes Church aiming to improve the mental health and wellbeing of local people. TLC St Lukes

You can get involved by joining activities or by volunteering in the centre.

You can call in to TLC - St Lukes, Guide Post Road, Longsight, Manchester, M13 9HP on any Tuesday or Thursday or contact 0161 273 1538.

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Community Integration Awards

4 Aug 2017 - 10:50 by michelle.foster

The Community Integration Awards reward best practice in community integration and cohesion across the UK. Community Immigration Awards

The MigrationWork Trust wants to influence the immigration debate by highlighting positive examples of people doing vital work in their communities which has allowed migrants, refugees, and host communities to flourish.

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