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Learning Disability Engagement - Grant funding

5 Feb 2016 - 10:01 by michelle.foster

NHS England wants to support the involvement of people with a learning disability who are given the least chance to have their say. This is so that people: have their experiences listened to; can be involved in improving healthcare; and can tell NHS England about the issues and challenges that make it harder for them to get the same quality of healthcare as everyone else.

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Let’s End Hate Crime - Hate Crime Awareness Week 8 -14 February 2016

5 Feb 2016 - 10:00 by michelle.foster

Manchester's annual Hate Crime Awareness Week takes place from 8 -14 February 2016, when the new Manchester hate Crime strategy 2016-2019 will be launched.

The city will play host to a full calendar of community events celebrating diversity and raising awareness of hate crime and hate crime third party reporting centres.

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FareShare FoodCloud: a new initiative for fighting hunger and tackling food waste in Greater Manchester

5 Feb 2016 - 09:59 by michelle.foster

FareShare FoodCloud is a new scheme which helps charities and community groups like you to access the free, unsold, surplus food from a day’s sales at your local Tesco supermarket. Using the simple mobile technology FoodCloud, FareShare have already helped 60 UK charity groups to access over 20 tonnes of fresh, good quality, free food.

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GM Social Work Academy

5 Feb 2016 - 09:57 by michelle.foster

Could your Organisation offer a student Social Worker the opportunity of a valuable placement?

Do you provide any training that would be considered as CPD for Social Workers?

Are you interested in taking part in a pilot which will shape future Social Work training and integrate the VCSE sector at a critical time in terms of Health and Social Devolution?

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Volunteers needed to join Birch Community Centreboard of Trustees

5 Feb 2016 - 09:57 by michelle.foster

Anyone with enthusiasm is welcome to apply but Birch Community Centre are particularly looking for people who are local and/or with management experience or skills in the voluntary sector; early years; HR; accounts; and/or policy making.

The trustees meet every month currently on Wednesday evenings and sometimes some of us have to spend extra time inbetween meetings on Birch business such as forming policies; liaising with staff; following up proposals.

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Powerhouse, Moss Side, Manchester – Soft Market Testing Exercise

5 Feb 2016 - 09:56 by michelle.foster

The Powerhouse is a large purpose built youth centre in Moss Side. The Powerhouse are currently looking for agencies/organisations/partnerships who are interested in developing new operating arrangements for the Powerhouse in Moss Side Manchester and have decided to start a process of soft market testing.

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Charity accounts, reports and audits update

5 Feb 2016 - 09:55 by michelle.foster

Sandy Adirondack, Governance and legal training and consultancy for the voluntary sector provides legal updates for voluntary organisations. In Sandy’s latest update you can find information on changes to the statement of recommended practice for charity accounts (SORPs) and an increase in the audit threshold.

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Write to your heroine and correct the balance of history, in new Manchester-based letter-writing project

5 Feb 2016 - 09:52 by michelle.foster

‘Dear Friend’ is a letter-writing project celebrating women in public life and in struggles for liberation. It's launching on 8 March as part of Wonder Women Manchester 2016, with events at Central Library and People’s History Museum.

Everyone is invited to write a letter or postcard to a woman - living or dead - who has had an influence on their lives. Letters will be digitised, transcribed, and displayed a website and the aim is to hold an exhibition later this year.

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horizon - a free online tool for data on youth social action in the UK

27 Jan 2016 - 09:41 by michelle.foster

Across the UK, millions of young people choose to make a difference in their community through social action — whether by campaigning against climate change, mentoring a peer who's struggling at school, starting a social enterprise, or fundraising for a cause they are passionate about.

horizon is a free digital mapping tool to enable any organisation to access data on youth social action programmes. The goal is to make it easy for schools, local authorities, third sector organisations and funders to discover what youth social action is taking place in their region

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