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2016 SMK Campaigner Awards

15 Jan 2016 - 10:40 by michelle.foster

Are you taking action on an issue important to you?

Do you know an inspirational campaigner?

The SMK Campaigner Awards recognise and celebrate people who demonstrate their commitment to and effectiveness in tackling the root causes of injustice and inequality, be it over the last year or over many years. The award winners are people who have brought about lasting change within their communities or more widely, either on a local or national basis.

Winners will receive their award at a special evening ceremony at the House of Lords on Wednesday 13 April 2016.

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Prince’s Trust learning and development opportunity

15 Jan 2016 - 10:40 by michelle.foster

The Prince's Trust Team programme delivered by The Manchester College and based at its Wythenshawe campus is currently recruiting for the next programme which starts on 8 February 2016.

The Team programme is a 12 week personal development opportunity aimed at enabling young people between 16-25 to develop the confidence to get back into employment or education.

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Better Things - LGBT people with a learning disability

8 Jan 2016 - 09:39 by michelle.foster

Better Things is a safe, friendly and supportive place for Lesbian, Gay, Bi and Trans people who have a learning disability.

You can share feelings, talk about fears or issues. Make new friends – it is free, it is friendly and it is fun.

The group meets every third Monday of the month at 6.30pm-8.30pm at LGF, 5 Richmond Street, Manchester, M1 3HF.

For further information and to attend, contact Brenda on 0161 728 7616.

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Development of a New Lung Health Check Service

8 Jan 2016 - 09:38 by michelle.foster

Can You Spare an Hour? Manchester Clinical Commissioning Groups in partnership with Macmillan Cancer would like to talk to members of the public about a new lung health check service to be offered in Manchester.

Discussion groups are taking place on:
25 January 2016 at the Welcome Centre in Cheetham Hill
2 February 2016 at the Inspire Centre in Levenshulme

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Do you have a question or enquiry for HMRC that you want answering?

7 Jan 2016 - 13:37 by cheryl.mcalister

If so, we have an exciting opportunity that needs your input.

Macc is looking to host a seminar tailored specifically for the sector delivered by representatives from HMRC themselves. We are asking groups to let us know what they would like to see delivered in this session.

It may be questions about gift aid, tax returns or VAT or you simply would like to learn more about registering a charity with HMRC, tax exemption. Anything relevant to HMRC can be covered.

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Inspiring Change Manchester - Expressions of Interest

7 Jan 2016 - 09:24 by michelle.foster

Inspiring Change Manchester is a Shelter led partnership funded through Big Lottery Fund’s £112m Fulfilling Lives initiative: Supporting People with Multiple Needs. The programme’s aim is to transform the support received by people with multiple needs.

For further information, visit: https://www.biglotteryfund.org.uk/prog_complex_needs

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Community Pharmacy Greater Manchester

18 Dec 2015 - 16:06 by Nigel Rose

7 local pharmaceutical committees have come together to establish the Greater Manchester Pharmacy provider company. This is a vehicle for holding contracts and has been set up by Community Pharmacy Greater Manchester (CPGM). Community Pharmacy is a key part of integration plans for Health and Social Care services. Download more details here.

CPGM's 5 point plan is:

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The Way Forward - Proposals to maintain the effectiveness of Manchester's VCSE Sector

18 Dec 2015 - 15:20 by Nigel Rose

The Way Forward - a set of proposals to maintain the effectiveness of Manchester's Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise Sector was launched at Manchester's Voluntary Sector Assembly on 10th December by Fergal McCullough, Chief Executive of The Men's Room.

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Active Citizens in Our Own Health – Community Reporters Training Offer

18 Dec 2015 - 11:01 by michelle.foster

Are you interested in showcasing local examples of patients, VCSE providers and public health services working together to promote health and wellbeing?
Are you interested in taking part in a project that will train representatives (staff or volunteers) from local VCSE organisations to become Community Reporters?

As a result of funding from the Manchester Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) the training is FREE and participants will be supported to make a short film about their (or their organisation’s) experiences of health, well-being and health related care.

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Refreshed Health and Wellbeing Strategy – give your comments

18 Dec 2015 - 10:59 by michelle.foster

Manchester City Council’s Health and Wellbeing Strategy is the city’s plan – a 10-year vision – for reducing health inequalities and improving residents' health.

Manchester City Council have refreshed the last version, agreed in 2013, so that it works alongside and supports the plan for health and social care devolution in Greater Manchester.

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