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Driving Up Standards - Ensuring Safety and Legal Compliance in Minibus Operations

27 Nov 2015 - 10:47 by michelle.foster

Are you a not for profit organisation?
A school / college / FE Establishment?
Do you operate a minibus for your community / students / clients or want to know what this involves?

If you answered yes to any of these, then minibus operation training can help you to start building an understanding of your responsibilities.

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Eachstep Blackley Dementia cafe

27 Nov 2015 - 10:45 by michelle.foster

Affected by dementia?
Find support, advice and new friends at the EachStep Blackley Dementia Café.

EachStep Blackley is an award winning specialist dementia care service. EachStep Blackley is hosting a free monthly dementia café, which offers people who live with their condition and their loved ones a fun and informal place to:
• Share their experiences
• Receive expert advice
• Enjoy inspirational and exciting presentations and activities

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Retail Volunteer Scheme Mentoring Support at Oxfam

27 Nov 2015 - 10:44 by michelle.foster

Oxfam is running a scheme to offer voluntary retail placement positions in Oxfam shops to women from disadvantaged communities, particularly BME women. Participant volunteers will be supported through a six month placement and will receive retail training and support for looking for work after their placement has finished. Oxfam’s aim is that the participants will also get the opportunity of gaining an accredited qualification to evidence their retail training.

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Tools for the Job – free workshops

20 Nov 2015 - 10:56 by michelle.foster

VYM is offering a series of free workshops for the voluntary youth sector, especially Youth and Play funded organisations. The purpose of these workshops is to offer you the support and training to use effective tools and resources that will help you demonstrate quality and outcomes, to manage and use data, to understand what it takes to submit effective tenders, and to aid your financial reporting.

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Voluntary and Community Group Feedback Form

20 Nov 2015 - 10:55 by michelle.foster

The Care Quality Commission has developed a Group Feedback Form to learn more about the quality and safety of local health and care services in your area.

It needs your support to gather evidence and intelligence, which will be used to help CQC inspectors before they carry out local inspections. What voluntary and community groups tell them will help inspectors decide when to inspect a service and what to look for. It may also help them decide what rating to give the service in their inspection report.

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Ancoats Voice Up - new arts project for the people of Ancoats

20 Nov 2015 - 10:51 by michelle.foster

Let’s Go in partnership with Great Places Housing Association have introduced a new arts project for the people of Ancoats.

Ancoat’s Voice Up will host a series of free creative workshops providing opportunities for you to explore new ways of uniting your neighbourhoods, expressing your voice and leading local action.

The artwork will be showcased at a community led celebration event on Saturday 19 March 2016.

The workshops include:

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Psychology Students available for 30-hours of work experience

20 Nov 2015 - 10:49 by michelle.foster

At The University of Manchester, Year 2 Psychology students have the option to undertake 30-hours of work experience. Many of the students work for local voluntary and community groups doing activities such as working with clients who are homeless, unemployed, in mental health setting etc. helping setup social media channels, designing advertising material etc.

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GM AHSN Technology Innovation Challenge 2015/16

20 Nov 2015 - 10:49 by michelle.foster

Greater Manchester Academic Health Science Network (GM AHSN) will be inviting applications to its Technology Innovation Challenge on 1 December 2015. The theme for this Technology Innovation Challenge Call is: Assistive Technologies – Reducing Social Isolation to support recovery, health and wellbeing.

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Creating a future beyond the Work Capability Assessment

20 Nov 2015 - 10:47 by michelle.foster

Following consultation with disability organisations, Ekklesia is conducting a survey of people with mental or physical health conditions in order to design a replacement for Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) and the Work Capability Assessment (WCA). Ekklesia consider the WCA to be too flawed and broken to be satisfactorily fixed. It needs replacing, and the people best able to do this are those who are affected by long term illness.

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