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2019/20 I Dig Trees programme now open

29 Nov 2019 - 10:54 by michelle.foster

I dig treesThe Community Volunteering Charity (TCV) have 350,000 carbon busting trees to give away to community groups and volunteers for free.

Throughout the bare-root planting season of 2019/20, TCV are aiming to plant even more trees – another 350,000+ trees in over 800 green spaces across the UK which will be achieved with approximately 37,000 hours of community volunteering for everyone to grow.

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Measure your digital readiness with a new online tool

29 Nov 2019 - 10:38 by michelle.foster

Digital Readiness ToolSkills for Care have worked in partnership with Digital Social Care to create a digital self-assessment tool for social care employers. The free online tool will help to measure:

• how capable staff are in harnessing the benefits of digital tools and skills
• whether they have the right infrastructure in place to use more digital tools

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22 Nov 2019 - 15:04 by michelle.foster

National Lottery 25What is the CelebrateNationalLottery25 fund?
The National Lottery Community Fund are making £2 million available for grants of £100 to £1,000 to fund ideas that bring people together during The National Lottery's 25th birthday year.

The grants will be paid using prepaid cards, so groups don't need a bank account to receive the award.

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The Climate Action Fund

22 Nov 2019 - 11:02 by michelle.foster

National Lottery Community FundThe Climate Action Fund is a new 10-year, £100 million fund set up with money provided by the National Lottery Community Fund with the aim of reducing the carbon footprint of communities across the UK.

The funding is expected to support a mix of different places, communities, themes and initiatives, across the UK.

The following funding is available through phase one:

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Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust – next deadline 2 December 2019

6 Nov 2019 - 12:35 by michelle.foster

The Joseph Rowntree Charitable TrustJoseph Rowntree Charitable Trust (JRCT) is a responsive grant-making trust. Trustees have agreed on the following priority areas and welcome applications for funds under each of these headings: Peace and Security; Power and Accountability; Rights and Justice; Sustainable Future; and Northern Ireland.

JRCT is interested in funding work which:

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