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NCVO Knowhow - Free Safeguarding resources

28 Oct 2019 - 11:33 by cheryl.mcalister

Keeping people safe is important. All organisations need to do safeguarding well. Everyone needs to be involved.
Building strong safeguarding practices and a safe culture can be complicated though, especially for those organisations taking their first steps in tackling them.

NCVO Knowhow have published a number of free briefings, guide, tools and practical guides to Safeguarding produced as part of the Safeguarding Training Fund these resources will help you make plans and carry them out.

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Homeless link – 2019 Cold Weather Fund

25 Oct 2019 - 11:56 by michelle.foster

Homeless LinkThe Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government are providing up to £1million of the Cold Weather Fund to Homeless link to administer funding to charitable organisations that are not commissioned by local authorities. The project’s overall aim is to financially support local providers in helping people sleeping rough off the streets this winter.

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IoF Future Leaders Manchester 2020 – Bursary applications now open

25 Oct 2019 - 11:35 by michelle.foster

Institute of FundraisingAre you keen to develop your leadership skills?
Do you want to be a leader, but are currently unsure as to how to lead authentically?
Or are you still undecided as to whether you want to be a leader at all?
If the answer is ‘yes’ to any of these questions, the Institute of Fundraising’s Future Leaders Programme can help.

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Young Manchester Youth and Play Fund 2020

24 Oct 2019 - 11:05 by michelle.foster

Young ManchesterYoung Manchester have launched the new Youth and Play Fund for Manchester, in partnership with Manchester City Council, the #iwill Fund and Curious Minds.

The fund seeks to build on work to date to build a strong, vibrant sustainable Youth and Play sector, which enables every child and young person in Manchester to thrive and to realise their full potential through outstanding opportunities.

This funding will:

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Developing work with BAME organisations and leaders

23 Oct 2019 - 10:41 by michelle.foster

As part of their work on the Our Manchester Voluntary and Community Sector grant programme, The Programme Team, want to develop their approaches, relationships and work with Black, Asian and Ethnic Minority (BAME) voluntary and community organisations and leaders across the city.

The Programme Team will be doing some focussed engagement over the coming months, running sessions and/or visiting organisations, groups and individuals to build on the conversations and generate ideas that they aim to take forward with your support.

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First 1,000 Days – Supporting families and children to start well Fund 2020–2022

21 Oct 2019 - 15:26 by michelle.foster

Funding is available for projects that aim to improve the health and wellbeing of children in their first 1,000 days of life (from conception to the age of two), as it is crucial to their long-term health and wellbeing.

To support women, fathers and families:

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Hill Dickinson Foundation

18 Oct 2019 - 11:06 by michelle.foster

Hill DickinsonThe Hill Dickinson Foundation is a fund administered and managed by the Community Foundation for Merseyside. Hill Dickinson is an international law firm which has been headquartered in Liverpool for over 200 years.

The Hill Dickinson Foundation aims to make a positive contribution to the communities in which the firm operates by supporting local grassroots organisations and projects.

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North West Young Peoples Development Trust are inviting applications from North West organisations helping disadvantaged young people

18 Oct 2019 - 10:59 by michelle.foster

North West Young Peoples Development Trust (NWYPDT) are looking to give grants to organisations that help disadvantaged young people in the North West of England to overcome barriers which may otherwise prevent them from achieving their potential.

NWYPDT is an independent trust, which provides grant support to organisations for projects, activities and equipment. NWYPDT do not specify a minimum or maximum amount that they will fund, however most grants will be between £1,000 and £15,000.

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The Older People's Neighbourhood Support (OPeNS) Fund – Now open for applications

15 Oct 2019 - 12:49 by michelle.foster

The Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) is a key partner in the delivery of Manchester’s Population Health Plan. This is the city’s overarching plan for reducing health inequalities and improving health outcomes for our residents. The Plan has five priorities, including the priority to create an age-friendly city that promotes good health and wellbeing for people in mid and later life.

Funding is available for projects that aim to increase the health and wellbeing of older people in each of the 12 neighbourhoods of Manchester.

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