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The Pankhurst Trust Appeal launched after break in

4 Oct 2019 - 13:58 by michelle.foster

You may now have heard the news that The Pankhurst Centre have had a series of break-ins to the parlour where the suffragette movement began. Unfortunately, there was fairly extensive damage and they have launched an appeal to help pay for the repairs and secure the Pankhurst Centre for the future.

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Third Sector Survey on Engaging the next generation of donors

4 Oct 2019 - 13:54 by michelle.foster

Millennials are shaking up core societal traditions. Recognising the difference in how younger generations behave, what their preferences are and how these qualities give them a sizeable influence on the philanthropic space is key to securing the future of your charity.

Third Sector has partnered with Give as you Live Donate to carry out industry research on the topic, and they need your input.

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Free training from the Gambling Support Service for North West organisations

4 Oct 2019 - 13:49 by michelle.foster

It is estimated there are over 400,000 problem gamblers in the UK and the Gambling Support Service delivered by Citizens Advice Wirral is offering free training to frontline staff and volunteers across the North West in order to offer support to any of your service users who might be struggling with this.

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Funding bulletin October 2019

2 Oct 2019 - 09:58 by michelle.foster

MaccInformation for the bulletin is compiled from a number of sources including Grantfinder, and direct from funders themselves. It showcases just a few of the hundreds of funding opportunities available for local community, voluntary and faith organisations.

This bulletin is produced by a partnership of local support and development agencies across Greater Manchester.

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Statement from Independent Choices Board of Trustees in reference to the passing of Joanne Simpson

20 Sep 2019 - 14:32 by michelle.foster

It is with great sadness that we share the news that our friend and former Director Joanne Simpson passed away earlier this week. Joanne was extremely dedicated to Independent Choices Greater Manchester and to the women that the organisation supports. She was instrumental in helping to grow the services we offer, including the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, transsexual, questioning (LGBTQ) Independent Domestic Violence Adviser Service (IDVA). She was a valued colleague and a friend and will be very much missed by us all. Our thoughts are with her family and friends at this time.

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First 1000 Days – Consultation report and updated FAQs

19 Sep 2019 - 12:41 by michelle.foster

Manchester City CouncilThe Our Manchester Funds Programme Management Team would like to thank everyone who provided comments as part of the consultation on the First 1000 Days of a Child's Life Fund - either through the on-line survey, public events or through other channels.

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Join our focus group to participate in increasing cross sector understanding of our great VCSE workforce

19 Sep 2019 - 12:20 by michelle.foster

The GM VCSE Reference Group and GM Health and Social Care Partnership are seeking to increase cross sector understanding of our great VCSE workforce. To take this forward, Macc and Connected Consultants are working in partnership to try and engage with as many VCSE leaders as possible to explore the following areas:

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