Capacity Building

International Women’s Day 2016 – last chance to apply for up to £1,000 deadline: 4 Nov

Would you like a grant to help you organise or take part in a celebration of International Women’s Day (IWD) next year?

Manchester City Council are calling for applications from voluntary and community groups, to put on events that relate to the theme of giving women a voice, and particularly women who are under-represented in society, or events which will have a lasting impact on women in their communities.

The theme for 2016 is ‘Women’s Voices – Changing Manchester'

Grants of up to £1,000 are available.

Manchester Met Community Research Awards

Manchester Met University are launching the Community Research Awards.

Manchester Met University have funding for up to four research projects to work in partnership with local community groups in the Manchester Local Authority area.

Through the scheme, Manchester Met University can provide you with an experienced researcher who can help develop the scope for research in your organisation and then carry out that research for you.

Tesco fund for green spaces

Communities across Britain are able to apply for up to £12,000 for local green space projects thanks to a new grant scheme being launched with the proceeds generated from the sale of Tesco carrier bags. It will fund capital projects that provide community benefit and have free and open access to all members of the community for a minimum of six days a week, during daylight hours.

Guide to shopping safely online

This guide, produced by the Money Matters Team at Sainsbury’s Bank, includes useful information on tips to help you avoid scams, protect yourself while using Wi-Fi / mobile devices, and what to do if you encounter illegal activity. AVG, SSL and Crimestoppers have approved the guide. For further information, visit:

#MakeMCR Pledge Pot

What is #MakeMCR
#MakeMCR supports crowd-funding ideas and projects by and for Manchester people that will create better places and spaces for the benefit of all our residents and that will help develop our city.

#MakeMCR is an initiative between We Love MCR, the charity of the Lord Mayor of the City of Manchester, and crowd-funding platform Spacehive. It is supported by Manchester City Council and a growing number of other partners.

Wythenshawe Safe Spots funding and particpatory budgeting event

Local people, local ideas and local solutions for safe and healthy relationships

A fantastic opportunity has arisen for Greater Manchester Police to invest cash of up to £30,000 to promote healthier and safer relationships in Wythenshawe.

The funding set aside can be applied for in sums between £500 and £10,000. The projects chosen to be funded will be delivered for a 1 year period at a centre that is yet to be chosen.