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Macmillan - Supporting You to Help Others Grants Programme

27 Feb 2015 - 09:50 by michelle.foster

The Macmillan Supporting You to Help Others Grants Programme helps give people affected by cancer the opportunity to use their experiences to support others, while also receiving support themselves. They especially welcome applications that contribute to achieving Macmillan’s Inclusion vision of a health and social care system where equal access to, and delivery of the best cancer services are available to everyone living with and beyond cancer.

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The Granada Foundation – next deadline 25 March 2015

27 Feb 2015 - 09:49 by michelle.foster

The Granada Foundation was established in 1965 to encourage the study and appreciation of the fine arts and sciences and to promote education, with a particular interest in activity in the North West of England.

The Foundation wishes to encourage and promote the study, practice and appreciation of the fine arts, including drawing, architecture and landscape architecture, sculpture, literature, music, opera, drama, cinema, and the methods and means of their dissemination.

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Get a super-fast internet connection for your charity

27 Feb 2015 - 09:48 by michelle.foster

Manchester City Council have a commitment to support businesses in Manchester to grow, and are helping to fund the physical cost of getting superfast internet connectivity.

A faster internet connection can make your organisation more efficient, cheaper to run and easier to develop.

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UK Armed Forces Day 2015 Grant

19 Feb 2015 - 12:00 by michelle.foster

Armed Forces Day will be on Saturday 27 June 2015. It's an opportunity to do two things. Firstly, to raise public awareness of the contribution made to our country by those who serve and have served in Her Majesty's Armed Forces. Secondly, it gives the nation an opportunity to Show Your Support for the men and women who make up the Armed Forces community: from currently serving troops to Service families and from veterans to cadets.

Across the country people are getting involved: communities hold local events and business show their support.

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The Weavers Company Benevolent Fund

19 Feb 2015 - 11:59 by michelle.foster

The Weavers' Company Benevolent Fund was set up in 1973 with funds from The Worshipful Company of Weavers, which is the oldest City of London Livery Company and has a history dating back before 1130 AD. The priorities of the fund are to help disadvantaged young people and offenders and ex-offenders, particularly those under 30 years of age.

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The Prince’s Trust Team Programme are looking for projects in the community for its students to complete

19 Feb 2015 - 11:58 by michelle.foster

The Prince’s Trust Team Programme based at The Manchester College’s Wythenshawe site is currently looking for worthwhile projects in the community for its students to complete.

Perhaps there’s a local youth club or community centre in need of refurbishment or an area of land or community garden that could do with a makeover. Whatever it is the students would consider it.

Not only will they plan and carry out the manual work they will also raise the funds needed to purchase any materials/equipment needed.

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Age-friendly Manchester Lord Mayor's Challenge

9 Feb 2015 - 11:36 by michelle.foster

As part of the Age-friendly Manchester programme, the Lord Mayor Sue Cooley has launched the Age-friendly Manchester Challenge. The challenge is to Manchester organisations, residents, groups, companies and others who would like to make the city more age-friendly and pledge action to carry out across 2015.

This could be to develop a new project with older people, to work with older people in new and different ways or to change work practices so they are age-friendly.

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The University of Manchester’s Funded Student Experience Internships

9 Feb 2015 - 11:35 by michelle.foster

The University of Manchester’s recently launched Student Experience Internship (SEI) scheme provides funding to pay for a limited number of students to undertake a full-time, eight week summer internship within organisations in the charity and not-for-profit sector in Manchester.

The aim is to help organisations complete projects or for students to help by undertaking a particular role that is required during the summer months. Projects can be varied in nature but need to be achievable within the eight week period.

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Devolution, Our Devolution: Perspectives on the Meaning of Devolution for Voluntary and Community Groups

9 Feb 2015 - 11:33 by michelle.foster

Devolution in England is happening now. Voluntary Sector North West want the voluntary and community sector to play a key role in developing the thinking around what a good model of devolution looks like and how it could work best for communities.

This report contains thirteen different perspectives from across the North West and further afield to give food for thought on what devolution could mean and the role of the sector.

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