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Can you help with venue space?

27 Mar 2015 - 10:10 by michelle.foster

TAGMA (Tanzania Association of Greater Manchester) is a volunteer led Community Association. They are organising an event for Union Day (Muungano) to celebrate when Tanganyika and Zanzibar came together.

They need help finding a suitable venue, with capacity to hold up to 150 people for Saturday 25 April 2015. Do you have a suitable community space to offer? TAGMA is currently unfunded but will try to meet a small room hire cost from member contributions.

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The Big Lottery announces their Strategic Framework 2015-21

26 Mar 2015 - 14:40 by michelle.foster

The Big Lottery’s new strategic framework sets out what people can expect from them as a funder over the next six years. Their vision is that people should be in the lead in improving their lives and communities.

Their approach will focus on the skills, assets and energy that people can draw upon and the potential in their ideas.

The Big Lottery have laid out in their strategy that they feel that strong, vibrant communities can be built and renewed by the people living in them – making them ready for anything in the face of future opportunities and challenges.

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People's Health Trust's Active Communities funding programme

26 Mar 2015 - 14:39 by michelle.foster

Local groups and organisations with great ideas to make their communities even better places to live are now invited to apply for funding to turn their ideas into reality.

Active Communities is a funding programme for community groups and not-for-profit organisations, with an income of less than £350,000 a year or an average of £350,000 over two years.

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Tesco Charity Trust Community Awards – apply by 24 April 2015

26 Mar 2015 - 14:38 by michelle.foster

The Tesco Charity Trust Community Awards Scheme provides one-off donations of between £500 and £2,500 to organisations which have a turnover of under £5 million. The funding goes towards providing practical benefits, such as equipment and resources for projects that directly benefit health, environmental sustainability or opportunities for young people in the local communities around Tesco stores in the UK.

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Aviva Community Fund

26 Mar 2015 - 14:37 by michelle.foster

The Aviva Community Fund offers support and funding to the causes close to your heart. Put forward a project for a local cause, and you could win it funding of up to £25,000. The Aviva Community Fund wants you to submit a project for your community organisation and tell them what difference these much-needed funds could make. Secure enough votes from friends, family and supporters in your community and you could be entered into the Finals, where a judging panel will award the funds.

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Grants for voluntary and community groups to improve services for young people with autism

20 Mar 2015 - 12:40 by michelle.foster

If you're a voluntary or community group, you can apply for a grant of between £500 and £18,500 to improve services for 14-25 year olds with autism.

Manchester City Council would like to see applications that maximise the impact of the grant by combining it with your own resources or using it to get external funding.

Manchester City Council are also keen to see services that will help young people in the transition into adulthood.

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The Triangle Trust 1949 Fund Development Grants for organisations working with carers

20 Mar 2015 - 12:34 by michelle.foster

The Triangle Trust 1949 Fund Development Grants for organisations working with carers provide funds towards your organisation’s core costs to support the development of a solid foundation for the long-term. The Trust would like to see applicants use these grants to develop sustainable income sources, so that when the grant comes to end your organisation’s income will not be reduced.

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Nominet Trust - Social Tech Seed Fund

20 Mar 2015 - 12:33 by michelle.foster

Social Tech Seed is an open grant-funding programme that offers early-stage investment to social entrepreneurs and charities that are looking to develop new projects using digital technology for social impact. This programme will provide funding and support to help entrepreneurs nurture, develop and test their ideas.

This programme will provide funding and support to help ventures in developing their ideas into a more robust digital product or service.

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Santander Social Enterprise Development Awards

13 Mar 2015 - 11:45 by michelle.foster

The Santander Social Enterprise Development Awards (SEDA) aim to support social enterprises and charities with trading activities looking to grow their business and improve their local community.

The Development Awards are targeted at established social ventures that have ambitions to develop their organisation but need a financial boost to help them realise their potential. SEDA is an annual competition with winners selected on the strength of their business plan for growth.

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Lloyds Bank and Bank of Scotland Social Entrepreneurs Programme

13 Mar 2015 - 11:39 by michelle.foster

The programme has three core elements: a 14 day course, one to one business mentoring and a grant. The programme is split into two categories:

Start Up - will help you get a new organisation up and running
Scale Up - will help you grow an existing social enterprise

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