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The Work Place Learning Programme

10 Oct 2014 - 09:49 by michelle.foster

The Work Place Learning Programme is here to assist small and medium size enterprises by funding training to further develop their employee’s skills and abilities and can support small to medium enterprises with up to 999 employees.

The Manchester College can offer training to your employees at no cost to your business.

Training offered:
• Customer Service
• IT Training
• First Aid at Work
• Business administration
• Basic skills
• and many more

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Cultural Partnership Grants 2015-18

3 Oct 2014 - 11:28 by michelle.foster

Not-for-profit organisations can apply for funding of between £10,000 and £40,000 per year, until March 2018, to support the core costs of their organisation. A total of £900,000 is available (subject to budget) over three years from this fund.

The Culture Team and Manchester City Council want your work to have a lasting impact that will directly benefits residents and the economy, now and in the future.

You can apply on behalf of your organisation or, if you're working with another organisation, you can apply together.

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Briefings on Greater Manchester’s European funding plans

3 Oct 2014 - 11:24 by michelle.foster

Greater Manchester has an allocation of £356 million of European Structural Funds for the 2014-20 programme.

The Funds, overall, are designed to reduce economic inequalities by targeting additional resources at developing skills, jobs and enterprise for those people and areas which need extra help. There is also clear acknowledgement of the importance of social inclusion and social innovation as necessary conditions of economic inclusion; this is similarly acknowledged in the Greater Manchester Strategy, which also acknowledges the importance of our sector in delivering this.

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Cabinet Office Social Action End of Life Support Programme 2014/15

3 Oct 2014 - 11:21 by michelle.foster

The Cabinet Office Centre for Social Action and Hospice UK are launching a fund of up to £1 million to support existing projects that engage volunteers in social action to enable continued social interaction and to improve the experience for people at end of life and their families.

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Carers Social Action Support Fund – deadline 22 October 2014

26 Sep 2014 - 11:49 by michelle.foster

The Cabinet Office is inviting voluntary, community and social enterprise sector organisations to apply for grants of £50,000 or more to support projects that will improve the lives of unpaid family carers in England.

The Fund is aimed at organisations with plans to expand or develop ambitious social action projects that will help to improve the lives of carers. (A carer is anyone who looks after, unpaid, a friend or family member who cannot cope without their support. This may be due to illness, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction.)

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Grow Your Tenner 2014

26 Sep 2014 - 11:47 by michelle.foster

Grow Your Tenner will launch at 10am on Tuesday 14 October.

Throughout the campaign, Local Giving will be matching one-time donations pound-for-pound up to £10, and monthly donations up to £10 per month for 6 months.

All charities with active memberships are eligible to receive match funding, and the campaign will run across the whole of the UK.

For further information and to take part, visit: https://localgiving.com/campaign/gyt  

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Up to £1,000 available for Manchester International Women's Day 2015

18 Sep 2014 - 14:16 by michelle.foster

Manchester City Council have grants of up to £1,000 for groups to host an event or activity on the theme of Breaking Through for Manchester International Women's Day 2015.

Women are overcoming obstacles to excel in sport, science, politics, religion, education, community activism, rights, health, media, legal and business affairs. Celebrate these achievements and apply for a grant.

If you live in the city of Manchester and have an idea for an event or activity that would educate, engage and inspire women.

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