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ICS Research Engagement Network programme

6 Oct 2023 - 10:39 by michelle.foster

Research can create change for healthcare and help Integrated Care Systems to plan for healthier futures. Vocal are working with the voluntary sector and community voices across Greater vocalManchester to make research more inclusive for all by creating a community-led network that listens and responds to the local health priorities of different communities.

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Help Manchester Central Food Bank find a new home

2 Oct 2023 - 15:48 by michelle.foster

Manchester Central Food Bank, a lifeline for the communities of Central, North, and East Manchester, is facing a crisis that threatens its vital services. Manchester Central Food Bank urgently manchester central foodbankappeal to the generous hearts of the Manchester community to rally behind them as they face the looming threat of homelessness.

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Suicide Prevention Grant Fund 2023-2025

6 Sep 2023 - 14:07 by michelle.foster

The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) has made available a £10 million Suicide Prevention Grant Fund to support suicide prevention activities delivered in England by non-profit organisations. The funding period is from financial a blue bag with a yellow ribbon around the top and white pound sign on the frontyear 2023 to 2024 to the end of the financial year 2024 to 2025.

The strategic objectives of the fund are:

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Citizens Advice Manchester Getting Winter Ready workshops

6 Sep 2023 - 13:59 by michelle.foster

Citizens Advice Manchester know how important it is to help the people to get prepared for challenging months ahead. While Ofgem announced last week that the Energy Price Cap has dropped to £1923, this is still considerably higher than two years ago, and with no promise of additional government support that this winter may feel as bad as, if not worse than, last year.

Citizens Advice Manchester energy advice services can help people with their energy costs – and they want to work proactively to ensure that the people of Manchester can access help to get winter ready.

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Caribbean and African Health Network Black History Month Awards Nominations

30 Aug 2023 - 15:47 by michelle.foster

The Caribbean and African Health Network (CAHN) will be honouring individuals and organisations for their contributions to the health and wellbeing of the Black Caribbean and African cahn caribbean and african health network greater manchesterCommunities across the United Kingdom.  Nominations will be accepted for those who through personal or professional efforts have made a difference to Black Caribbean and African people.

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Afrocats - “Through the Afrocats walking group, I made friends, I met people in the same situation as me"

29 Aug 2023 - 11:12 by helen.walker

Macc recently managed the latest Spirit of Manchester Fund round of grants which focused on organisations that support people with the cost of living crisis. We are continuing to share stories in August to show the impact of these grants and the wide range of projects that they supported. Today, we have the story from Afrocats:

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