
Volunteers Week 2020 - Volunteer Stories Day 4

Here is a short story from Daryl. Thanks for submitting Daryl :)


Volunteer name: Daryl pollitt

Volunteer age:60

Where are you from: Street Treats

What's your volunteer role and what do you do in that role:
Feed the homeless

How long have you been volunteering for:
6 Years

How did you get involved with volunteering:
I started when my teenage son suggested we make some sandwichs and take around the tents


Volunteers Week 2020 - Volunteer Stories Day 4

Hi all, we hope you are still enjoying the fabulous stories we have been sharing this week. Next up we have Ru Yi Chang!

Name: Ru Yi Chang

Volunteer age: 20

Where are they from: Malaysia

What's their volunteer role and what do they do in that role:
Activity Mentor and Peer support group volunteer. To support disabled adults and increase their confidence in travelling to attend weekly supported sessions.


Volunteers Week 2020 - Volunteer Stories Day 3

Hello all,

I hope you are enjoying your week. Todays next story is from someone we know very well - Sam from Breakthrough UK. Not only does Sam work with and help volunteers in her working life but Sam also finds the time to volunteer herself which is amazing. Find out more about Sam below and what her most memorable Volunteer memory is!


Volunteer name: Sam

Volunteer age: 30

Where are you from: Huddersfield

What's your volunteer role and what do you do in that role:


Volunteers Week 2020 - Volunteer Stories Day 2

It's day 2 of our very special Volunteers week stories and this morning we hear about Beverly Dargen and what motivated her to get into volunteering, we hope you enjoy.


Volunteer name:

Beverley Dargen

Volunteer age:

50 years

Where are they from:


What's their volunteer role and what do they do in that role:

Beverley support parents of children who have severe learning/physical disabilities


Volunteer Stories for Volunteers Week 2020

Hi it's Volunteers Week again, doesn't time fly?!

Volunteers Week 2020 (June 1 - 7) is so different this year due to the Covid-19 outbreak. First of all, all of us here at Macc would like to send our best wishes to all of you out there and we hope that you stay well and continue to look after yourself and those close to you in these anxious and uncertain times.


GM VCSE leaders are asking the Government for urgent help

Chairs of GMCVO, the GM VCSE Leadership Group, the GM BAME Network and GM BAME SE Network and the GM Social Enterprise Network have written to the Chancellor, the Rt. Hon. Rishi Sunak asking for more support for voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) organisations.