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Organisation Name Description Cash donations Non-cash donations
East Manchester Circle

East Manchester Circle is a partner organisation of HMR Circle, short for Heywood, Middleton, and Rochdale Circle. East Manchester Circle is a membership-based organization dedicated to supporting older adults in areas of Greater Manchester. We provide practical assistance with daily tasks such...

Contact us about making a donation: [email protected]

East Manchester Dyslexia Association

The association provides information, support and guidance to Manchester residents on dyslexia-associated issues. It also offers 1:1 dyslexia screenings for adults and children.


The charity’s objects (“Objectives”) are specifically restricted to the following:
(a) To promote social inclusion for the public benefit by working with people in England who are socially excluded on the grounds of their ethnic origin (in particular, members of the Eastern Sudan community...

Els Healthy Living Company CIC



Emmeline's Pantry

We are a Food Bank based in Chorlton, Manchester (Charity number 1169796). We offer support to women, their families and single dads that live in our catchment by referral from a professional.

We differ from other food banks in three ways:
1. We offer women only sessions
2. We...


Provide specialist services to victims of abuse


Envirolution has an annual event which acts as a platform for organisations and groups to engage members of the community on the subjects of environmental awareness and provides ways of making a positive difference towards a more sustainable future.
We also deliver workshops and projects...

Esan Community of Manchester

Our aim is to foster love, unity and sustain the Esan cultural heritage among us; and to reach out to and support the less privileged Esan people in Esan Land and carry out charity projects.

Some of our objectives include:
To engage in projects in Esan...

esea contemporary

Centre for Chinese Contemporary Art (CFCCA) formerly the Chinese Arts Centre, is the national lead in bringing Chinese contemporary art and visual culture to a UK audience.

For over 30 years CFCCA has led the UK in programming, showcasing and supporting artists through exhibitions, events...


Ethnic Health Forum

helping disadvantaged communities


Europia is a small charity organisation supporting Eastern Europeans in Greater Manchester. We support migrants and refugees by providing immigration and welfare advice, health and well-being support and running regular drop-in sessions. Among others, we have projects for The Roma, Polish and...

Donate via FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/donate/661400414914420/

Donate via JUST GIVING: https://www.justgiving.com/campaign/europiaukraine

Everybody Climbs ltd

To engage and encourage people to try climbing

Fair Tax Foundation Ltd

Our Fair Tax Mark accreditation scheme seeks to encourage and recognise businesses that pay the right amount of corporation tax at the right time and in the right place. We believe companies paying tax responsibly and transparently should be celebrated, and any race to the bottom resisted.

We accept donations which we prefer to be made directly into our bank account, please contact us.

Faith Network for Manchester

Faith Network for Manchester is an interfaith charity that brings together diverse communities to foster cohesion, understanding and peace across Manchester.

Faith Network for Manchester (FN4M) is a charity, established in 2011, which promotes greater dialogue between faiths through...

Contact us about making a donation: [email protected]

Fallowfield Library and Community Resource Centre

The place at Platt lane is a vibrant community resource centre in the heart of Fallowfield.

The Place is a charity, that is managed by a committee made up of members of the local community.

With a focus on Health and Wellbeing and improving the lives of all those in Fallowfield,...

Contact us to make a donation.

Family Action

Family Action is a national charity that has provided support to children and families in need for 140 years. We help over 45,000 children and families a year by providing financial, emotional and practical support, especially to those living in poverty. A further 60,000 benefit from our...

FC United of Manchester

At FC United of Manchester, our commitment to the local community is at the heart of everything we do. We focus on key areas both on and off the field, from our Men's, Women's and Academy teams, through to our college education programmes, voluntary groups and partnerships. We host...

Visit the office, to donate, during opening hours.

Visit the office, to donate, during opening hours or call 0161 7692005

Femith Consulting Ltd

We are a social enterprise focusing on coaching/mentoring/training/teaching services through our online clinic, to enhance CV, and other soft skills necessary to ensure employability. We are particularly interested in supporting young people who are no in education, employment and training.

Finding Nyah

Communication empowerment workshops, and online extra education classes for home educated students or anybody wanting a little extra knowledge in a friendly, safe and supportive group setting. Collaborative community asset events which highlight other organisations and companies which assist in...

Donations can be made at any event that Finding Nyah takes part in, or
via the website on our 'Donate' or 'Support us' pages: https://www.findingnyah.com or

First Asian Support Trust Ltd (FAST)

FAST is a registered charity and company limited by guarantee.It was founded in 1993 by parents of disabled people who struggled to access cultural and religious mainstream provision for their children. The FAST aim was to enable disabled people, their parents or carers to access this mainstream...
