Macc & Simply Corporate: Thinking the Unthinkable - Charity Money

Date & time: 27 February 2025, 1:00pm - 2:30pm

This online webinar is a great opportunity for trustees and VCSE non-profit finance leads to think the unthinkable and take preventative action. 

The session will help charities to increase their knowledge and awareness of financial management and will provide tools that can help spot and avoid financial difficulties.  

No one wants to think about closing down, especially if you’ve only just started your charity, however, the truth is that charities can hit financial difficulties at any point and for a variety of reasons. Sadly, many charities often leave it too late to seek help. This training aims to prepare charities so that the unthinkable doesn’t happen to your charity!  

The session is aimed at small to medium Manchester charity trustees and their lead finance staff/volunteers. It is also open to any not-for-profit VCSE organisation with beneficiaries in Manchester. Come along to find out more; you do not need to be a finance expert to benefit from the training. We encourage all trustees –not just treasurers- to consider attending this training as part of planning and good governance.

The session aims to:

  • Help charities to spot the warning signs of financial distress in your charity (what you don’t know you don’t know)
  • provide tools that can help prevent charity closure in future
  • share examples of difficult financial situations that have been successfully reversed 
  • share worst case scenario options and how to engage an insolvency practitioner
  • share insight and raise awareness of trustee and manager duties
  • share helpful case studies

The content delivery part of the session will run for approximately 60m. There will be up to 30 of Q&A time at the end for any groups wishing to ask further questions.

Macc is delighted to work in partnership with Natalie Hughes, owner of Simply Corporate to deliver this training

Natalie Hughes Owner, Simply Corporate



Bio: Licensed Insolvency Practitioner and Director at our practice Simply Corporate in Padiham, Lancs. 


Background: I’ve been working in insolvency for 23 years and got fed up with the old fashioned and often daunting advice that is rolled out by IP’s so set up my own practice in 2018.  At Simply Corporate we help hard working business owners and VCSE groups find solutions to their debt pressures without the fear of being judged or embarrassed.  We answer their questions honestly, with empathy and respect and then offer practical advice on the best options available.


Personal: Outside of work I’m a bit obsessed with food – cooking it, eating it & watching people make it.  I frequent the gym in an attempt to burn off the excess calories!


LinkedIn profile: Natalie Hughes MIPA, MABRP | LinkedIn


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