Association of Chairs: Chairing Essentials - Chairing with confidence

Date & time: 02 October 2024, 11:30am - 12:45pm

We know that the role of Chair although rewarding can be challenging.  Yet, many Chairs tell us that they have little time to reflect on the nature of their role and how to be effective.

This webinar will provide you with an overview of the role of Chair as well as practical guidance and tools to support you to be an effective Chair.

We will cover:

  • Refresher of the role and legal status of Chair in the context of good governance and governance leadership models
  • Identifying the characteristics of an effective Chair
  • Assessing your strengths and areas for development as Chair
  • Defining the Chair you want to be for your charity and board
  • Reflecting on different governance modes and which modes you would like your board to be operating in

What to expect

The session will be held over the online platform zoom, using the meeting format which allows you to view the speakers and other participants. You will also be able to interact with fellow attendees through the chat function.

Free for AoC members, £40 for non-members
Association of Chairs
Further details / booking

Register here

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