
Media Trust x Marketing Trust: Digital drop-in clinic - Google Analytics

Being a comms professional in a UK charity can be a lonely business – especially if you’re in a tiny department, or – as is so common - a team of one. Imagine having a space where you can discuss your challenges and get to know a few fellow charity comms professionals.

Let us be part of your team. Join us for Media Trust’s Digital Drop-in Clinic, our informal online session where you can get on-the-spot advice, comms coaching and share your challenges and wins.


Cranfield Trust: Essentials to Excellence - Charitable AI Part 2 - Your Questions Answered

This session will build on our previous webinar from December 2023.  James Crawford of Touchpoint Change Consulting has collated the questions that we didn’t have time to fully address and will talk through them, covering:

This session will build on our previous webinar from December 2023.  James Crawford of Touchpoint Change Consulting has collated the questions that we didn’t have time to fully address and will talk through them, covering:


Media Trust: Intersectionality Unpacked - How to Embed Intersectionality into your Comms

As the writer and activist Audre Lorde once said, we do not live single-issue lives. So as communicators and writers, it’s essential that we don’t tell single issue stories.

Intersectionality, the way in which oppressions layer and multiply, is rooted in Black Feminism, and is as relevant today as it was in the 1800s when it first became a school of thought, or in 1989 when the term itself was coined by Kimberlé Crenshaw. An intersectional analysis is a vital tool for charities to reach wider audiences, deliver inspirational campaigns and communicate authentically.


Digital Skill Ups

Learning new digital skills can be daunting and sometimes you may not know where to start. Manchester Adult Education run digital skill workshops and courses which will help to develop your online confidence and skills, whether it’s to use in your everyday life, at work or for your studies. images of people using laptops


Putting people first in AI

Open Data Manchester, in collaboration with Greater Manchester Combined Authority, are developing a set of principles for giving the public a say around how automated decision-making systems are used. It is hoped these principles will set widely agreed-on standards for the use of these technologies across the public sector in Greater Manchester. artificial intelligence


Greater Manchester sets vision to grow world-leading cyber capabilities in five year plan

Greater Manchester is a city-region rapidly becoming the UK and European centre for cyber and digital ethics, trust and security. Boasting a £5bn digital economy, the location of a GCHQ hub in Greater Manchester Cyber strategy 2023-2028Manchester was the recognition of the capabilities, expertise and potential of the city region in digital security.
