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New Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) sector Accord signed with Greater Manchester Leaders

30 Sep 2021 - 14:46 by michelle.foster

gm vcse leadedership groupGreater Manchester leaders in local government, health and the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector (VCSE) have signed a new GM VCSE Accord to work together in a collaborative way to tackle entrenched inequalities.

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GM Poverty Action newsletter 8 September 2021

8 Sep 2021 - 13:48 by michelle.foster

gm poverty actionIn the latest GM Poverty Action newsletter there is information about two new pages added to the Poverty Monitor: the Index of Multiple Deprivation and National Poverty data pages. GM Poverty Action are working towards a full update of the Poverty Monitor in 2022.

There is more good news from the GM Living Wage Campaign and you can now access an up-to-date list of Real Living Wage employers in GM.

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Oxfam paid trainee scheme

2 Sep 2021 - 15:21 by michelle.foster

oxfamOxfam is a global movement of people working together to end the injustice of poverty.

Are you excited about contributing to Oxfam’s efforts to become safe, feminist and anti-racist?
Are you looking for an exciting opportunity to start a career in the charity sector?
Are you passionate and enthusiastic about fighting inequality? Maybe you have lived experience of inequality and/or are looking for a route into the third sector?

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GM Poverty Action newsletter 11 August 2021

12 Aug 2021 - 13:55 by michelle.foster

gm poverty actionIn the latest newsletter GM Poverty Action report on the National Keep the Lifeline campaign to stop the cut to social security in October and provide information about what you can do to support the campaign. In contrast, there is good news from both the GM Living Wage Campaign and the Tameside Poverty Truth Commission.

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New report reveals vital role of Greater Manchester’s VCSE sector during COVID-19 pandemic but warns of challenges ahead as demand for support increases

30 Jul 2021 - 13:33 by michelle.foster

gm state of the sector reportA report by the Centre for Social and Health Research at the University of Salford has revealed new insights into the role of Greater Manchester’s voluntary, community and social enterprise sector during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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