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Commission opportunity – Communities Experiencing Racial Inequalities

1 Nov 2023 - 15:39 by michelle.foster

The Manchester City Council Work and Skills Team is looking to commission a voluntary sector organisation to deliver two short projects which seek to engage with and support economically inactive residents from communities experiencing racial inequalities, to move them closer to employment.

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New research reveals 1 in 5 charities could disappear this winter

1 Nov 2023 - 15:23 by michelle.foster

NCVO has launched a new ‘Cost Of Giving Crisis’ campaign to help support charities delivering vital services this winter.

cost of living crisis NCVOResults of new research published by the National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO) – the largest membership body for charities and volunteering organisations in the UK – reveals the alarming extent of the crisis currently facing charities and the voluntary sector.

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Shared Topic Areas: 

Webinar about the launch of the UK Civil Society Almanac 2023

Impact of lockdown 

The UK Civil Society Almanac 2023 is a comprehensive resource for data on the voluntary sector’s finances and workforce. This year’s UK Civil Society Almanac, published by NCVO (National Council for Voluntary Organisations) focuses on the years 2020/21 and tells a difficult story about the extent of Covid-19’s impact on the voluntary sector. 

Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee - October 2023

Manchester City Council Report for Youth, Play & Participation Service (YPPS) Commissioning Grants, Holiday Activities & Food (HAF) Programme and Youth Investment Fund (YIF) 

The Committee considered a report of updates on commissioning processes under the Youth, Play and Participation Services (YPPS), Holiday Activities & Food (HAF) Programme and Youth Investment Fund (YIF).  

Increased Investment:  

Environment, Climate Change and Neighbourhoods Scrutiny Committee - October 2023

The Committee scrutinised the Manchester Climate Change Partnership (MCCP) and Agency (MCCA) Impact Report for financial year 2022-23. This report was an overview of the Partnership and Agency’s roles, which are to set targets and a strategy for the city in the form of a pathway, carbon budget and recommended actions to meet those targets. They also then report the progress of the city against these targets, and champion the work done by partners and initiate further action. The report outlined who was involved, their governance and how they supported MCC’s climate change activity.

Just One Thing - Dr Christopher Owen, Inclusivity Development Manager at Manchester Pride

“I want to talk about the ways in which myths and misinformation are used to create divisions between different social groups, which then work to maintain systems of oppression. There are many examples of this, but here’s one: during the recent Tory conference in Manchester, our Health Secretary announced that trans women will be banned from all women’s wards on the NHS, and trans men will be banned from all men’s wards on the NHS.

Trusteeship and Governance

Macc has developed this microsite as part of a programme to promote, explain and support trusteeship and roles in governance in Manchester – as well as offering opportunities and useful information about how to get involved in meaningful ways that support voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) sector organisations to run well with the people and skills they need.
