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Macc: What Macc Stands For Statements

23 Oct 2023 - 11:13 by josephine.mcmeeking

In September 2023, Macc launched our first What We Stand For policy statements. These new statements set out our stance on a range of issues that affect our city. However, these are more than just written statements. They are our commitment to sharing what we believe and collaborating with others to challenge the very real social issues facing our city. 

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Energy Saving Trust

19 Oct 2023 - 15:47 by michelle.foster

The Energy Saving Trust Energy Redress Fuel Voucher Fund is now open to applications from Registered Charities and Housing Associations with exempted charity status.

a blue bag with a yellow ribbon around the top and white pound sign on the frontThe fund is available to support vulnerable households with pre-payment meters that have been affected by the recent energy price rises and are at risk of self-disconnection.

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Greater Manchester UK Shared Prosperity Fund: Support for the Social Economy

19 Oct 2023 - 15:43 by michelle.foster

As part of the UK Shared Prosperity Fund the Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) is looking to procure a lead provider, across two separate lots, to support the local social economy. Ta blue bag with a yellow ribbon around the top and white pound sign on the fronthe aim of this is to provide a new digital front door to social economy support and to provide specialist support where gaps are identified.

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Linking autistic talent and local employers

19 Oct 2023 - 15:37 by michelle.foster

Autistic people offer employers both a new pool of talent, and a greater diversity of thought within a workforce and teams. That is the message of two new guides launched in Greater Manchester.

up unlimited potentialLocal social enterprise, Unlimited Potential, has published Fulfilling Your Potential – a guide for autistic people – and Untapped Potential – a guide for local employers.

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Spirit of Manchester Story Week November 2023 – Coming Home Stories

18 Oct 2023 - 12:42 by michelle.foster

Are you a Manchester voluntary, community and social enterprise sector organisation?

Would you like to share a story of your everyday activity supporting people experiencing homelessness, as part of the second 2023 Spirit of Manchester Story Week in November?

We are looking for 20 VCSE organisations to provide stories which we will share during the week of 27 November - 1 December.  

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GM Poverty newsletter 11 October 2023

11 Oct 2023 - 11:25 by michelle.foster

In the latest newsletter, GM Poverty Action share the impact their Money Matters programme has had in its first year, and why they are now urging for a nationwide rollout of the scheme. There is an gmpa Greater Manchester Poverty Actioninvite to the Challenge Poverty Week event on 16 October, as we come together to identify how we can tackle poverty locally.

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Manchester City Council Health Scrutiny Committee - September 2023

The agenda for this meeting included a report focusing on the Pennine Acute Aggregation Update, which detailed some major changes to frontline health services including Dexa (bone density) scanning, Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT) services, Urology and Trauma & Orthopaedics. There were also several proposed changes that would affect North Manchester residents in terms of service quality, equality, patient choice, travel and access. Discussions included ensuring that in the majority of cases, patients should receiving ongoing care in a venue close to their home.
