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Voluntary Sector Assembly - 24 June 2014 speeches

Key note Speakers
Dave Sharples from Voluntary Action Oldham gave a lively presentation highlighting both the energy and endeavours of volunteers, we were given a potted history of the changes in volunteering over the last 20 years reflecting on the volunteering opportunities that occurred in the community under the conservative government from 1979-97, the rise in volunteering under the Labour government form 1997-2010 and finally to the landscape of the coalition administration.


15 Jul 2014 - 13:30 by cheryl.mcalister

BikeRight! are based in Openshaw and deliver cycle training from funding from Manchester Public Health and Manchester City Council. Anyone that wants to learn to ride, improve their riding or commute to work on major roads can have cycle training provided they live in Manchester City council boundaries, or work for the council or NHS.

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Your directory details

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Please list the regular services you provide. Detail when/how they are available.

Opening times

Please detail the extra activities/services you are running. Please detail each service and how they’re offered (face to face, online, by telephone) and how people can access the activity/service.
Please provide details of your fundraising campaigns
Please provide details of how people can donate non-cash items e.g. food, clothing, toiletries, etc. to your group/organisation
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Age-friendly Manchester Small Grants Fund – next deadline 31 July 14

11 Jul 2014 - 10:11 by michelle.foster

The Age-friendly Manchester Small Grants Fund supports local groups with grants of up to £300, focusing on projects that reduce social isolation and loneliness. The Panel welcomes applications for grants for sustainable community projects that improve neighbourhoods and services for older people.

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2015 GSK IMPACT Awards

11 Jul 2014 - 10:09 by michelle.foster

The GSK IMPACT Awards are designed to recognise and reward charities that are doing excellent work to improve people’s health. They are funded by GlaxoSmithKline and managed in partnership with The King’s Fund.

The awards are open to registered charities that are at least three years old, working in a health-related field in the UK, with a total annual income between £25,000 and £2 million.

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Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner - Volunteer Opportunities

10 Jul 2014 - 15:04 by michelle.foster

Greater Manchester Police and Crime Commissioner Tony Lloyd is recruiting for volunteer Appropriate Adults and Independent Custody Visitors across Greater Manchester. They are especially interested in hearing from applicants from black and minority ethnic groups.

Appropriate Adults
Appropriate adults provide support and guidance to young and vulnerable people who have been arrested and have no parent or carer to call on.

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Manchester Youth Council are recruiting

9 Jul 2014 - 14:21 by michelle.foster

The Manchester Youth Council are young people, aged 13-24, who represent the young people of Manchester. The Youth Council run meetings, events, training and campaign at local and national levels to ensure they are influencing decisions and shaping future services.

There are numerous ways to get involved with the youth council ranging from getting involved with a local youth panel in your area to coming to the Town Hall for their full meetings.

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We Tell You Project - City Mental Health Research Project

9 Jul 2014 - 13:46 by michelle.foster

42nd Street and Hideaway Youth Project are working in partnership on a city wide research project to address the long standing issue of young black male’s mental health.

The We Tell You project would like to hear the voices of a wide range of young black males across the city of Manchester. They are aiming to build a clear, up to date picture of the mental health and psychological wellbeing of established black communities, to inform future service provision.

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