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Re-engage: Helping to alleviate Loneliness and isolation

13 Oct 2022 - 15:04 by michelle.foster

Re-engage aim to alleviate loneliness and isolation in people aged 75+ by providing free Tea Parties once a month on a Sunday. Volunteer drivers collect the guests from their homes then drop them older peopleback again after they have enjoyed tea/coffee, cake and a chat. Re-engage also offer a Call Companion service for those people who could just do with a chat on the phone rather than leaving their home.

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Foundations For Change Focus Groups

13 Oct 2022 - 14:43 by michelle.foster

Breakthrough UK, Manchester Coalition for Disabled People and GMICP are providing focus groups to share experiences of the Healthcare and Local Authority workforces to help create a have your sayWorkforce Standard Framework for Disabled People and People with Long-term Health Conditions.

The focus groups are taking place on:

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Step Up MCR Board and Advisory Panel opportunities

12 Oct 2022 - 15:54 by michelle.foster

Step Up MCR is the new place-based giving scheme for Manchester primarily focusing on the neighbourhoods of Ancoats and Beswick and Clayton and Openshaw.

Step Up MCR brings people together from within the community to maximise on our human potential, energy, skills, and resilience for the benefit of local people.

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Comic Relief Community Fund for England announces next round

12 Oct 2022 - 13:43 by michelle.foster

Non-profit groups across England will soon be able to apply for the second round of Comic Relief’s Community Fund, administered by Groundwork. The fund’s aim is to create change at the fundingcommunity level, via projects which align with four strategic themes:

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NCVO Trustees’ Week webinars

12 Oct 2022 - 13:41 by michelle.foster

Now in its 12th year, Trustees’ Week (7-11 November 2022) is a chance for the sector to come together and mark the amazing achievements of the 700,000 volunteer trustees who run charities in trusteesEngland and Wales.

This year, NCVO are running a series of webinars to help you learn how to lead through changing times.

Trustees' Week webinar series

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Together Fund Manchester, Oldham, and Rochdale

12 Oct 2022 - 13:25 by michelle.foster

The Canal and River Trust have received a grant from Sport England to assist in recovery, alleviating long-term impacts, facilitating emergence from COVID-19 and tackling the widening of the fundinginequalities in sport and physical activity for the communities we work with alongside our waterways.

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