
Association of Chairs: Dynamic Duo - balancing the roles between Chair and CEO

When the relationship between Chair and Chief Executive is strong they are a dynamic duo, both adding value to the organisation. When the relationship is in trouble it’s hard on both Chair and CEO and the organisation suffers. This digital event explores how to balance the roles and how to bring out the best in each other.

The day’s engagement will look at the CEO/Chair relationship from both perspectives. It is an opportunity for you to hear from and share ideas with your peers.


Topics include:

Shared Topic Areas

Trustee Leadership Programme – Virtual

Delivered by social enterprise Cause4 in partnership with the Clothworkers’ Company, this award-winning Trustee course now trains over 500 Trustees a year and gives professionals the skills and confidence to join a charity as a board member.

An enriching career development opportunity offered across two online sessions, the course covers the key responsibilities of Trustees and other regulatory issues alongside real-world insights from experts from across the charity sector.

Shared Topic Areas

NCVO: Financial skills for trustees

This course will revisit the core financial duties of a charity trustee and explore what it means to practice good financial governance

With increasing demands on services, precarious income streams, and financial uncertainty being the norm for many charities, it can be difficult to have full confidence when making financial decisions.

This course will support you to deliver good financial governance and lead your charity through financial uncertainty.

By the end of the training, you'll: 

Shared Topic Areas

Association of Chairs: Chairing Essentials - Chairing with confidence

We know that the role of Chair although rewarding can be challenging.  Yet, many Chairs tell us that they have little time to reflect on the nature of their role and how to be effective.

This webinar will provide you with an overview of the role of Chair as well as practical guidance and tools to support you to be an effective Chair.

We will cover:

Shared Topic Areas

Getting on Board: To infinity and beyond: an introduction to charity finance for trustees

This free introductory session explores the world of Trustee finance duties and give you a good foundation to begin your Trustee journey

This session is part of our Trustee Learning Programme, providing free and high-quality training to support people to become and serve as effective trustees.


This online session is for trustees and aspiring trustees who have a passion to really understand the stories behind the numbers and how to use them to build a financially sustainable organisation.

The webinar covers:

Shared Topic Areas