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GM Poverty Action newsletter 23 June 2021

23 Jun 2021 - 14:16 by michelle.foster

gm poverty actionIn the latest GM Poverty Action newsletter they have a report on Salford City Council’s updated anti-poverty strategy and they share information about the launch of the guide for local authority implementation of the Socio-Economic Duty in England.

Writing about the services available, Manchester Credit Union presents their payroll benefit and Trafford Housing Trust their employment and skills opportunities.

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Young Manchester – Manchester Holiday Buzz Play Opportunities Fund 2021

17 Jun 2021 - 16:03 by michelle.foster

young manchesterYoung Manchester is passionate about giving children and young people the opportunity to play. Young Manchester know that financially disadvantaged children can experience hunger in the holidays, holiday experience gap and may have fewer opportunities to play.

Playschemes and play activities are one way for children to make new friends, stay active and access healthy food during the school holidays.

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VaccChat – Talking about the Covid-19 jab

17 Jun 2021 - 15:43 by michelle.foster

vacc chatNow we are all seeing more people face-to-face it’s only natural we want to chat. Of course, one of the main topics of everyone’s conversation is still coronavirus and our experiences of and thoughts about the vaccine.

It may feel like just having a chinwag, but the conversations we have play a role in shaping how we view the world and how we think about important issues, like vaccination.

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George House Trust is recruiting a new Chair to the Board of Trustees

17 Jun 2021 - 15:38 by michelle.foster

chairGeorge House Trust are interested in someone who is a true leader, shares their values and who loves to think ahead, so previous Trustee experience is helpful but definitely not essential. This is a really exciting time to join George House Trust, and a fantastic opportunity to make a lasting impact.

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