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Manchester Work Clubs Funding: 2020-2021

20 Feb 2020 - 12:31 by michelle.foster

Manchester City CouncilManchester City Council recognises the important role Work Clubs play in providing flexible and informal employment support to workless Manchester residents. 

In recognition of the valuable role they play in delivering employment support services, Manchester City Council has made available grant funding for Manchester Work Clubs to apply for.

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The Weavers' Company Benevolent Fund – apply by 31 March 2020

19 Feb 2020 - 12:30 by michelle.foster

The Weavers' Company Benevolent Fund has grants available of up to £15,000 for organisations working with: young offenders; prisoners and ex-prisoners; and young disadvantaged people, especially those at risk of criminal involvement. The Fund is especially interested in helping smaller organisations which offer direct services.

Organisations must normally be registered charities or in the process of applying for registration. To make sure grants of this size have an impact, it will not normally fund large organisations.

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SMK National Campaigner Awards 2020

19 Feb 2020 - 12:28 by michelle.foster

SMK Awards 2020Nominations for the 2020 SMK National Campaigner Awards are now open. Each year, SMK celebrates the best campaigns and campaigners – local, national, individuals, community groups, charities any shape or any size. SMK are interested in finding those who have made change happen – most effectively, creatively and courageously.

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Military charity announces mental wellbeing training in Manchester

19 Feb 2020 - 12:16 by michelle.foster

Royal Air Forces AssociationFamilies of serving RAF personnel and veterans in Manchester who are finding life tough will be offered unique training to help them identify, and deal with, the symptoms of poor mental wellbeing.

The Royal Air Forces Association, the charity that supports the welfare of the RAF family, is offering mental wellbeing awareness training at venues across the UK, including in Manchester.

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Good Employment Charter are looking to work with employers

19 Feb 2020 - 12:12 by michelle.foster

GM Good Employment CharterBoth GM Hidden Talent as well as Centre for Ageing Better and GM Ageing Hub are looking to work with Employers.

With a view to potentially hold knowledge sharing workshops, Ben Reese and the GM’s Hidden Talent team would love to hear which businesses and organisations are already exhibiting good recruitment practice (with regards to young people and entry level roles).

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Launch of partnership grants to get GM walking

19 Feb 2020 - 11:51 by michelle.foster

GM WalkingGMCVO have launched the third stage of a grants programme to get Greater Manchester Walking.

Funded by Greater Manchester Moving (with money from Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership), partnership grants of up to £15,000 are being offered to support activities that encourage people who are usually less active to start or increase the amount they walk regularly.

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