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Consultation on The Local Plan

13 Feb 2020 - 15:14 by michelle.foster

Manchester City CouncilManchester City Council is beginning a review of the Core Strategy, its Local Plan and the saved policies from the Unitary Development Plan. The first stage is to consider the issues the plan should cover and the Council is asking for your views. Consultation on the Local Plan Issues document will run until Friday 3 April 2020. A series of drop-in events will be held across the city.

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Manchester Press Officer School

13 Feb 2020 - 15:12 by michelle.foster

neonNEON are excited to launch their first regional press officer training for Manchester-based folks who do press work for organisations or campaigns; or activists who do media work.

Date: Wednesday 11 March
Location: Manchester
Grassroots/Unpaid Organiser: Free (scholarship place)
Small Org (annual budget circa £100k): £70
Medium Org (annual budget circa £500k): £150

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Improving Specialist Care Programme – information on Improving Specialist Care Patient and Public Reference Group

13 Feb 2020 - 15:07 by michelle.foster

Greater Manchester took charge of health and social care spending and decision making three years ago aiming to achieve the biggest, fastest improvement to the health and wellbeing in our region.

This was done because it is known that good health and wellbeing are crucial to make Greater Manchester one of the best places in the world to grow up, get on and grow old. Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership are proud of the progress they have made, however, there is still more to do.

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The Refugee Journalism Project 2020 is open for applications

13 Feb 2020 - 15:04 by michelle.foster

The Refugee Journalism ProjectThe Refugee Journalism Project is looking for UK-based professional journalists with a refugee background who want to rebuild their careers. Between March and August, 15 selected participants will have the opportunity to acquire new media skills, publish journalistic content, and build professional networks through collaborations.

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GM Poverty Action Newsletter – 12 February 2020

13 Feb 2020 - 15:02 by michelle.foster

Gm Poverty ActionIn the latest newsletter from GM Poverty Action they take a look at JRF’s UK Poverty 2019/20 report and consider what can be done locally. There is a role for a facilitator with the Tameside Poverty Truth Commission and an update on the GM Living Wage campaign. There is information about a new online policy toolkit which you may find helpful and United Utilities report on their Affordability Summit.

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Greater Manchester: ESF Community Grants 2019-2021

7 Feb 2020 - 11:32 by michelle.foster

WEAA £4.9 million programme to tackle unemployment has been launched in April 2019 with backing from the European Social Fund.

The funds have been granted by the government’s Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) in partnership with Greater Manchester Combined Authority to the WEA (Workers' Educational Association), an adult education charity which provides training and learning opportunities for people at risk of exclusion.

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Sir Robert McAlpine launches Strong Foundations Grant to boost community projects

7 Feb 2020 - 11:29 by michelle.foster

Sir Robert McAlpineBuilding and civil engineering company, Sir Robert McAlpine, has announced the launch of its Strong Foundations Grant in partnership with social enterprise Semble, to support grassroots initiatives around central Manchester and Salford.

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Greater Manchester Youth Homelessness Contract

7 Feb 2020 - 11:26 by michelle.foster

The commission will be to 'develop a new model of homelessness prevention for under 35 year olds delivered through a social outcomes based contract'. The estimated value of the contract is circa £8m over 3 or 4 years. Greater Manchester wants a project that will provide young people who are at risk of homelessness, or homeless, with a targeted intervention aimed at preventing these circumstances whilst also equipping them with the tools they need for life and work.

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One week radio project for care leavers aged 16 - 18

7 Feb 2020 - 11:24 by michelle.foster

Are you 16-18? A care leaver? Looking to learn new skills? Meet new people and improve your skills by working on a group challenge to create podcasts throughout the week and broadcast a live show on the final day. Not only will it help you discover new talents, but you could also benefit from support from staff or a mentor to help you uncover your next steps.

Taster day: Friday 14 February, Manchester
Course dates: 17-21 February 2020, Manchester

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University of Manchester research study – lung health checks and smoking

7 Feb 2020 - 11:23 by michelle.foster

ResearchAre you aged 55-80? Are you a current smoker or have you quit in the last 3 months? If you answered yes to both questions, the University of Manchester want to hear from you.

As part of the study you will be asked what you think about services to help people stop smoking in healthcare. Participants will not be asking to quit smoking – the study is just to find out what you think.

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