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Nurturing Foundations – Social Saturdays

24 Jan 2020 - 11:01 by michelle.foster

Nurturing FoundationsSocial Saturdays provides: social skills training through creative engagement, interactive session, bitesize workshops and lots more. Drop off your young persons for three hours in a safe and social setting. Young people are positively supported and engaged through fun-based activities.

Workshop themes

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TLC: Talk, Listen, Change Crowdfunder: Build our future with us – Repurposing Chester Road

24 Jan 2020 - 10:52 by michelle.foster

Talk Listen ChangeCan you spare £5 for a tin of paint?

Local charity TLC: Talk, Listen, Change are embarking on a refurbishment project for their 100-year-old building on Chester Road in Trafford to enable them to support more people. After moving their office-based team to a new location, half the building requires some serious attention in order to get the rooms up to a safe, comfortable and welcoming standard to see clients.

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£100K consultancy giveaway – over 50 free consultancy services up for grabs

24 Jan 2020 - 10:48 by michelle.foster

Pearls of WisdomAction Planning is 30 years old this year and to celebrate their Pearl anniversary, their Associates are giving away over £100,000 worth of consultancy services for free. This is your opportunity to access the expertise that could transform your organisation for good.

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RADEQUAL 2020-21 Grant funding is now open for expressions of interest

17 Jan 2020 - 11:39 by michelle.foster

RadequalRADEQUAL is Manchester's campaign co designed with communities to build community resilience. The focus of this round of Grant funding (2020-21) is 'Building Community Resilience to Hateful Extremism'.

RADEQUAL define hateful extremism as ideas, attitudes and behaviours that are hateful towards specific ‘others’ and designed to undermine social cohesion.

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The Charity Awards 2020

17 Jan 2020 - 10:41 by michelle.foster

The Charity Awards 2020The Charity Awards provides charities of all shapes and sizes with a window to showcase their efforts and the impact they have made.

The Charity Awards is a year-round programme that uses Civil Society Media’s portfolio of magazines, reports, events and websites to celebrate and highlight best practice across the sector. 

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Meeting to support completing the NHS data security protection toolkit

17 Jan 2020 - 10:36 by michelle.foster

For any organisations with NHS health funding there is a meeting to support completing the NHS data security protection toolkit on 6 February, 10am-12pm at Salford CVS.

This NHS Digital Toolkit is required whenever a service is procured under an NHS Standard contract as well as for broader service e.g. access to mental health systems. It was also recently asked for as part of the GMCA procurement for Working Health Specialist Support (Mental Health, Learning Disability and Autism). So it is becoming something more and more organisations in the sector are having to complete.

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