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nfpSynergy – 20 predictions for the future – how might the charity world have changed in 20 years?

20 Dec 2019 - 10:36 by michelle.foster

nfpSynergyWhat will world the world look like for charities 20 years from now? Joe Saxton shares some of his predictions for how the third sector might grow and change – for better or for worse – in the years to come.

Click here to read the predictions

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Nesta 100 Day Challenge update

13 Dec 2019 - 11:47 by michelle.foster

NestaThe Manchester Local Care Organisation have collaborated with a charity called Nesta and their People Powered Results team to deliver three waves of the 100 Day Challenge. This challenge is giving each of the 12 Integrated Neighbourhood Teams (INTs) in Manchester 100 days to decide upon and rapidly test innovative ideas that tackle a specific health and social care issue.

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Launch of the Student Experience Internship (SEI) programme 2020

13 Dec 2019 - 11:22 by michelle.foster

University of ManchesterThe University of Manchester has a Student Experience Internship (SEI) scheme which provides funding to pay for a limited number of students to undertake an eight week summer internship within organisations in the charity and not-for-profit sector in Manchester.

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Social Enterprise survey

13 Dec 2019 - 11:11 by michelle.foster

Greater Manchester Combined AuthorityThe Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) is working with the Mayor’s Business Advisory Panel and the Business Growth Hub to deliver the 6th annual GM-wide business survey, to improve their understanding of the strengths and opportunities local businesses have, as well as the challenges and issues they face.

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GM Poverty Action Newsletter 11 December 2019

13 Dec 2019 - 11:06 by michelle.foster

GM Poverty ActionIn the final newsletter of 2019, GM Poverty Action look back at their activities and projects and take the opportunity to thank everyone who has worked with them and supported them this year. There is information about Greater Manchester Housing Provider’s latest anti-poverty newsletter, Booth Centre’s carol service and Street Support’s Christmas drop-in timetable for Manchester.

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