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Equal Power

17 Jan 2020 - 10:34 by michelle.foster

The Fawcett SocietyEqual Power is a ground-breaking campaign to transform women’s representation at every level of politics.

It’s time for Equal Power: equal representation for women in all our diversity. Women like you are needed to take part.

Equal Power will equip you with the knowledge, skills and confidence to stand for election, or support you to become a leader and campaigner in your local community.

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Special Mission to New York to Stem the Tide of Inequalities

17 Jan 2020 - 10:16 by michelle.foster

The Blair ProjectMotorsport education providers, The Blair Project based in Manchester UK, are leading a fact-finding mission to New York this January (20-26) to learn about the extraordinary impact a youth development charity in Harlem is having on the lives of disadvantaged youth using STEM activities.

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How to talk to funders

17 Jan 2020 - 10:12 by michelle.foster

How to talk to funders is a working conference which will bring together black and minority ethnic (BME) leaders, managers, founders, activists and project managers all across the UK, to spend a day with a range of funders such as Big Lottery, Power To Change, JRT, Paul Hamlyn, UKRI and Calouste Gulbenkian.

Through a mix of keynote, panel and round table discussions, participants will have the opportunity to network with their peers and funders and their staff. And, through 1-2-1 surgeries, get direct feedback and guidance on their own project proposals.

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New opportunity to improve health care through collaborative communities

17 Jan 2020 - 10:10 by michelle.foster

The Health Foundation has announced a new £2.1m programme for partnerships developing collaborative communities where people, families, health care professionals and researchers work together to improve health care.

The Common Ambition programme will support up to five ambitious teams across the UK to work towards a shared aim: to build sustainable change across health care through collaboration between those who use services and those who deliver them.

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GM Poverty Action Newsletter 15 January 2020

17 Jan 2020 - 10:04 by michelle.foster

Greater Manchester Poverty ActionIn the latest newsletter, Salford City Council reports on a strategic approach targeting Health Improvement resources to address poverty. The Greater Manchester Living Wage campaign sets out its priorities for 2020 and there is a feature on a new venture – The Good Food Bag – which aims to help those who rely on convenience foods.

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The Feminist Review Trust Grants

17 Jan 2020 - 10:02 by michelle.foster

Feminist Review TrustThe Feminist Review Trust has grants of up to £15,000 available for projects that transform the lives of women. The trust can fund projects that are ‘hard to fund’, pump priming activities, interventionist projects which support feminist values, training and development projects and core funding.

The Feminist Review Trust will fund:

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Get funding for a community event

16 Jan 2020 - 12:02 by michelle.foster

Manchester City CouncilCommunity Events Funding is available from Manchester City Council to fully constituted community groups as development funding to help community based, not-for-profit celebrations and events grow and move towards becoming self sustaining. The grant is available for activities taking place between 1 April 2020 and 31 March 2021.

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Smoke-Free Fund 2020

9 Jan 2020 - 15:18 by michelle.foster

Investments are available to Greater Manchester VCSE organisations to designate a permanent Smoke-Free Space - for an investment of £1,000 and/or hold a Smoke-Free event - for an investment of £250 (for events for less than 50 people) or £500 (for events for 50 people or more).

The fund launches this week (w/c commencing 13 January 2020)

For more information and to apply click here or contact 0161 787 7795, or email: [email protected] 

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