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The Charity Service – Small grants available

9 Jan 2020 - 15:16 by michelle.foster

the Charity ServiceThe Charity Service’s aim is to help to support a vibrant and sustainable Third Sector by providing assistance and expertise to make the most of gifts and donations and to help make financial resources available to charities, voluntary and community organisations and CICs within the Greater Manchester area. 

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Back on Track – new courses timetable Jan-Feb 2020

9 Jan 2020 - 15:10 by michelle.foster

Back on TrackBack on Track provides courses for people with experience of drug and alcohol problems, homelessness, offending, or mental health problems. Back on Track offer courses such as basic skills (reading, writing and maths), computers and art, as well as sessions on ‘life skills’ such as cookery and confidence building, and pre-employment skills.

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Rethinking Economics are recruiting trustees

9 Jan 2020 - 15:08 by michelle.foster

Rethinking EconomicsRethinking Economics (RE) is an international network of students, academics and professionals building a better economics in society and the classroom. Their vision is of economies which serve people and the planet. Their purpose is to build a diverse movement of people who challenge, interrogate and renew the practice, teaching and application of economics.                                

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Greater Manchester scoping of the Caribbean and African community

9 Jan 2020 - 15:01 by michelle.foster

CAHNCAHN’s ambition is to work with Caribbean and African community in Greater Manchester to eradicate health inequalities within a generation.

The aim of this scoping exercise is to gather essential information that will provide an overview of where the Black community lives across the 10 localities of Greater Manchester.

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Join Greater Manchester’s Independent Police Ethics Committee

9 Jan 2020 - 14:52 by michelle.foster

Modern policing wrestles with ethical dilemmas every day. Could you play a part in helping the police negotiate challenging, complex and sometimes controversial issues by joining Greater Manchester’s Independent Police Ethics Committee?

The committee is seeking new members to provide advice, support and guidance to GMP and the Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime on the complex ethical issues that face modern policing.

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Bank of England citizens’ panels

9 Jan 2020 - 14:50 by michelle.foster

Bank of EnglandThe Bank of England’s job is to promote the good of the people of the United Kingdom by maintaining monetary and financial stability.

That means managing inflation – the rate at which prices rise – and making sure that the financial system, which includes banks and building societies, functions properly. The Bank of England also issue bank notes and run the system that allows electronic payments to take place.

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