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Spirit of Manchester Story - Everyone has a chance for their voice to be heard

26 Sep 2018 - 16:10 by helen.walker

John and Pete were participating in a Having a Voice session at Back on Track on Tuesday. The course is all about getting your voice heard and how to put yourself across. Last week, the group grilled Kate, a Back on Track manager about how the charity works and this week, all 11 members of the group gave a short presentation on a subject of their choice such as films they enjoy or hobbies. This allowed them to practise speaking in front of a group in a safe and friendly environment.

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Spirit of Manchester Story - Patient Support Service at the Manchester Royal Eye Hospital "I've really benefited from the peer support"

26 Sep 2018 - 15:47 by helen.walker

Gail Brett is a Patient Support Officer for Henshaws, a charity that supports people of all ages with sight loss and a range of other disabilities across the North of England. Gail manages the Patient Support Service, which is based at the Manchester Royal Eye Hospital. The service helps individuals to cope with the emotional and practical difficulties that a sight loss diagnosis can bring, right at the moment they need it most.

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Spirit of Manchester Story - I’ve learnt a lot I didn’t know before

26 Sep 2018 - 15:19 by helen.walker

The Gaddum Centre is one of Manchester’s oldest charities that offers services to carers including advocacy, support and therapy. On 26th September, one of their services included a two hour healthy eating workshop for carers ran at Openshaw Resource Centre. The workshop was attended by seven carers and facilitated by a registered nutritionist.

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Spirit of Manchester Story : Dance – It helps women to find their strength again

26 Sep 2018 - 13:57 by helen.walker

Imagine you’re a woman who’s been through domestic abuse.  As well as physical injuries, you might have experienced emotional and psychological abuse which has severely affected your confidence. You might be feeling anxious and depressed.  You might not speak English confidently, and you might not know where to turn for help, especially if you’re not sure about your immigration status, your finances or where you’re going to live. 

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Spirit of Manchester Story - The plants grow and so does my sense of community involvement

26 Sep 2018 - 10:31 by helen.walker

Every Tuesday, the dedicated Friends of Ladybarn Park voluntary action gardening group meet in order to enhance and maintain the beauty of the lovely shared space in the heart of the busy community of Fallowfield. Facilities are aimed at all age groups and include a children’s playground, multi-use sports area and a bowling green. 

The surrounding parkland, including the landmark  ‘Poplar Walk’, are carefully tended by enthusiastic volunteers, and at 85, Doreen Robinson is one of the most well-known and committed gardeners.

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Spirit of Manchester Story : Healthy serving of laughter

25 Sep 2018 - 16:06 by helen.walker

On Tuesday 25th September, Oyovwe, the founder and CEO of the Widows Empowerment Trust, hosted a cook and taste session.

On the menu was a delicious yet healthy serving of low-fat chocolate sponge cake, and judging by the sounds of laughter and activity coming from the room, everyone was enjoying themselves. It’s hard to believe there were just 17 people taking part.

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Spirit of Manchester Story : A Lush Evening

25 Sep 2018 - 12:37 by helen.walker

A group of seven young women aged 19- 23 (including two volunteers) went to a Lush showcase at the Manchester Convention Centre. The group had received free VIP tickets to the event, which entitled the young women to being at the front of the queue, a bag full of complementary products, food and generally being made to feel really special.

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