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Spirit of Manchester Story - Luncheon club provides safe, friendly environment for local senior citizens

28 Sep 2018 - 17:15 by tony.russ

Whitemoss Youth Club and Community Centre is celebrating it’s 62nd Anniversary this year. Run by young and older volunteers the centre caters for children aged 6 to 19 or 25 with disabilities and senior citizens through a regular luncheon club.

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Spirit of Manchester Story - Fresh and tasty food, from community garden to table in less than five minutes

28 Sep 2018 - 16:35 by tony.russ

Sow the City, first established in 2009, is an award winning social enterprise based in Manchester. Now the leading specialist food-growing company in the city, Sow the City believes in encouraging people in urban areas to grow and eat nutritious food, whilst also strengthening local communities, reducing food transportation and creating jobs.

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The Aviva Community Fund – apply by 9 October 2018

28 Sep 2018 - 10:38 by michelle.foster

The Aviva Community Fund offers you the chance to get funding for causes important to your community. Aviva Community Fund

It’s open to everyone, whether you have a connection with Aviva or not. Aviva wants you to enter a project for your community and tell them what a difference these funds could make.

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Spirit of Manchester Story - Arts and crafts, karaoke and pampering help bring joy to widows and widowers

28 Sep 2018 - 10:37 by tony.russ

The Widows Empowerment Trust, which was founded in January 2017, supports widows and widowers including those with dementia, with the goal of empowering widows and promoting social inclusion.

Today was their weekly arts and crafts and karaoke session. Oyovwe, founder and CEO of the Widows Empowerment Trust explained, “Our service users always look forward to these sessions, which help them with their self-esteem and to integrate with other people in the community.”

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Women's Mental Health Peer Support Programme: enabling provision for women

28 Sep 2018 - 10:36 by michelle.foster

Mind, the leading mental health charity in England and Wales, and Agenda, the alliance for women and girls at risk, are delighted to announce the launch of their £1.3m women’s mental health peer support grants programme. Mind

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Enterprise Grants

28 Sep 2018 - 10:34 by michelle.foster

Enterprise Grants will support charities and social enterprises in England working in either the homelessness or youth sector to develop or grow their enterprising activity and earned income. Social Investment Business

Initially the programme will be aimed at charities and social enterprises based in England that operate in the following fields:
• Homelessness
• Youth services

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Real Junk Food Mcr – New sustainable catering social enterprise crowdfunding campaign

28 Sep 2018 - 10:31 by michelle.foster

You may have seen that Real Junk Food Manchester is starting a new project. After a year of running Manchester’s first waste food pay-as-you-feel restaurant, Real Junk Food Manchester are developing a new venture - our city’s first waste food catering social enterprise. Real Junk Food

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Mayor's Age-Friendly Challenge – Improving the lives of older people

28 Sep 2018 - 10:29 by michelle.foster

The Mayor of Greater Manchester, Andy Burnham, has issued an Age-Friendly Challenge to help make Greater Manchester the best place in the UK to grow older. Greater Manchester is already the UK’s first age-friendly city-region according to the World Health Organization. Great news! But what does that look like in reality? Through the Mayor’s age-friendly challenge, it will find practical examples of what age-friendly really means and share best practice across the city region.

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