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The Maritime Volunteer Service in Greater Manchester

2 Mar 2018 - 09:59 by michelle.foster

The Maritime Volunteer Service is a recognised national maritime training organisation and a UK registered charity with more than 25 units around the country providing training to nationally and internationally recognised standards, serving local communities especially in times of need or emergency and taking part in resilience exercises ashore and afloat. Maritime Vounteer Service Duck Race

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GM Poverty Action Newsletter: Love for the Streets; GM Law Centre on PIP & ESA Assessments; Bolton Cllr Sue Haworth; GM Living Wage

2 Mar 2018 - 09:57 by michelle.foster

In the newsletter there is culture, jobs and wages, benefits, journalism and events. Love for the Streets shares information about a forthcoming exhibition of art and music at the Whitworth Art Gallery; Bolton Councillor Sue Haworth looks again at whether a job really is the best route out of poverty and the GM Law Centre reports on the Work and Pensions Committee focusing on PIP and ESA assessments. There is also have information about a free community journalism course, the usual GM Living Wage Campaign column and lots of events all taking place in March.

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Public consultation for draft Mayfield Strategic Regeneration Framework

2 Mar 2018 - 09:56 by michelle.foster

The regeneration of Mayfield in Manchester City Centre is entering a significant new phase. Manchester City Council

Details have recently been announced of a public consultation on the refreshed Strategic Regeneration Framework (SRF) which will guide development at the city centre site over the coming years.

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“I had given up hope of enjoying life until I came here” - Moodswings Mental Health Grants Programme Story

27 Feb 2018 - 10:58 by helen.walker

John was keen to be as well as possible and to reach his aim of leading what he referred to as a ‘normal life’. John joined the Moodswings Recovery and Isolation project on the recommendation of his GP as he had struggled with severe depression for many years, and had recently been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. For him, a normal life meant becoming part of the community again as his severe mental health problems had meant he had become isolated for a number of years and had not worked or socialised.

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New funding available for Creative English

23 Feb 2018 - 11:20 by michelle.foster

A limited number of community organisations are now being accepted onto this innovative programme. If you haven’t delivered Creative English before, you will need to attend an event to apply for funding. FaithAction are hosting an event in Manchester on 16 April at the St Thomas Centre, 9.30am-2pm. FaithAction

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Opportunities for patient and public involvement in redesigning health services in Greater Manchester

23 Feb 2018 - 11:19 by michelle.foster

The NHS Transformation Unit is currently supporting various pieces of work in Greater Manchester (GM) to improve services for patients across GM. The attached bulletin contains information on opportunities for involvement for patients, carers and interested members of the public on project which are currently underway. Transformation Unit

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The National Lottery Awards – apply by 6 April 2018

23 Feb 2018 - 11:17 by michelle.foster

Get your favourite National Lottery funded project the recognition it deserves. nATIONAL lOTTERY aWARDS 2018

Enter your chosen project into this year’s National Lottery Awards - the annual search to find the nation's favourite Lottery-funded projects.

Winners receive a £5,000 prize for their project and star in a television show on BBC One.

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Community Comms Cause Funding and Reverse Marketing

23 Feb 2018 - 11:15 by michelle.foster

Community Comms are pioneering a unique approach to cause funding. They utilise commercial opportunities to help raise money in order to address the needs of communities in the UK.

Community Comms present their collective community to businesses that pay commissions for engaging their target customers. “Reverse Marketing for Causes.”

With their help and support communities are able to recognise the value of their collective and how it is significantly enhanced when joining Community Comms.

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IVAR free resources for charities, social enterprises and community organisations

23 Feb 2018 - 11:13 by michelle.foster

Mergers, prioritising, cross-sector working, core funding...These areas and more are all explored in a free new website for CEOs and trustees, published by the Institute for Voluntary Action Research (IVAR). The resource is designed to make useful and usable insights quick to find and digest. By sharing findings developed over 17 years of close collaboration with the voluntary, public and funding sectors, IVAR is aiming to help leaders make informed, confident decisions about the future.

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