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Pro Bono Economics – Helping charities and social enterprises improve their impact and value

9 Feb 2018 - 10:43 by michelle.foster

Pro Bono Economics charity projects help organisations to measure performance, improve their services and better track outcomes. PBE will be focusing its work on areas where improved well-being is a central purpose: Pro Bono Economics

Education – Including early intervention programmes, adult learning and alternative educational methods

Employment – Including programmes aimed at ex-offenders and vocational training for hard-to-reach young people

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Equality at the Pennine Acute Hospitals - Engagement opportunities

9 Feb 2018 - 10:41 by michelle.foster

The Pennine Acute Hospital Trust are hosting their annual grading for NHS England (Equality Delivery System) in March, which looks at the care and services patients/service users receive whilst in one of the hospitals.

During the equality events at North Manchester General Hospital, they want to hear your views on whether patients, service users and carers are being treated in a fair way and what the hospitals might need to do to improve.

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Charity Places in the Great Manchester Run 2018 - Sign up with Macc now!

7 Feb 2018 - 22:34 by jack.puller

Have you missed out on a place in this year's Great Manchester Run (10k)?

Don't worry, we've got you covered!..

..sign up now and run for the Spirit of Manchester Fund from Macc (the organisation that coordinates the Spirit of Manchester programme).

Spirit of Manchester run

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Join us at our Manchester Volunteer Meet Up (MVMU) - March 2018

7 Feb 2018 - 10:27 by jack.puller

 Do you want to meet people (like you), that volunteer, or give their own time in our great city?

Manchester Volunteer Meet Ups are facilitated by Volunteer Centre Manchester (which is managed by Macc), and provide a chance for people in the City of Manchester who are volunteering - or seeking to volunteer, to come together; learn about relevant volunteering opportunities, network, share experiences and get support.

...there's tea and cake too!

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Funding bulletin February 2018

7 Feb 2018 - 10:27 by michelle.foster

Information for the bulletin is compiled from a number of sources including Grantfinder, GMCVO (Greater Manchester Council for Voluntary Organisations) and direct from funders themselves. It showcases just a few of the hundreds of funding opportunities available for local community, voluntary and faith organisations. Macc

This bulletin is produced by a partnership of local support and development agencies across Greater Manchester.

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GM Poverty Action newsletter: Principal Partners scheme; Renters Forum; new End Child Poverty figures; Fuel Poverty awareness; Universal Credit & GM Living Wage

2 Feb 2018 - 10:19 by michelle.foster

In the latest newsletter Greater Manchester Poverty Action(GMPA) are asking if your organisation might be interested in joining with their new Principal Partners to support the work of GMPA?Greater Manchester Poverty Action

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Bee in the City - Artist Call out

2 Feb 2018 - 10:17 by michelle.foster

This is your chance to be part of one of the most spectacular, ambitious and popular public art events Manchester has ever seen. Bee in the city

From July – September 2018 over eighty individually designed, super-sized Bee sculptures will form an art trail across the city’s streets, parks and public spaces – taking people on an unBeelievable journey of discovery. Just about everybody will want to be part of the buzz about Manchester!

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