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Invitation to Tender - Quantify the impact of the OnSide Youth Zone network on young people

26 Jan 2018 - 10:57 by michelle.foster

OnSide’s vision is to give all young people somewhere safe and inspiring to go in their leisure time. OnSide provides quality, safe and affordable facilities – Youth Zones – that allow young people to spend their leisure time engaging in fun but productive activities, supported by positive adult role models, which improve their life chances, choices and opportunities. OnSide

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Citizens Advice Manchester – Big Energy Saving week events

22 Jan 2018 - 13:04 by michelle.foster

Come along to these events and Citizens Advice Manchester can help you save money on your energy bills. Citizens Advice Manchester

All events run from 10am – 2pm

Monday 22 January
The Atrium Central Manchester Eye Hospital and Manchester Fort Shopping Centre

Tuesday 23 January
Eastlands Asda and UHSM Wythenshawe Hospital (Main Entrance)

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Bardsley Fund – apply by 31 January 2018

19 Jan 2018 - 11:59 by michelle.foster

Bardsley Construction is offering funding to groups across the Greater Manchester area. The fund supports groups that address older people, children and young people, stronger communities and health and wellbeing, whose income is no more than £30,000. Awards of up to £1,000 are available. Bardsley

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Masonic Charitable Foundation Charity Grants – deadlines for 2018

19 Jan 2018 - 11:56 by michelle.foster

The Masonic Charitable Foundation Community Support grants for charities help people experiencing poverty and disadvantage, sickness and disability or barriers to education and employment. Masconic Charitable Foundation

The charities supported make a significant and lasting difference to thousands of people in need and further those causes about which Freemasons and their families are most concerned.

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Community Challenge Prize How would you use £2,000 to help people spend less money?

19 Jan 2018 - 11:53 by michelle.foster

Good Things Foundation and the Joseph Rowntree Foundation have teamed up. Together, they have created a competition which rewards the best ideas in the Online Centres Network. They know the difference that you make in your community. Now they want to know how you solve problems. Online Centres Network

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Women’s Voices: English Conversation

19 Jan 2018 - 11:51 by michelle.foster

Starting on Monday 26 February, Women’s Voices are delivering sessions on English Conversation, come along to practice and learn English. Women's Voices Manchester

The sessions are free and everyone is welcome to attend. The sessions will run every Monday, 1.30pm-3pm at the Pakistani Community Centre (near Longsight Library), 481 Stockport Road, Manchester, M12 4NN.

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ERDF Business Support Call in Greater Manchester - What support does your organisation need?

19 Jan 2018 - 11:47 by michelle.foster

Are you a small or medium sized enterprise or a recent start-up? Do you have ambitions to set-up a new organisation but need some support to get started? Do you work in a social enterprise looking to get support to start, build or grow your activity? Do you have ideas about making your organisation more energy efficient or run your organisation in a more eco-friendly way? GMCVO

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Europia Women's Awards Public Vote Poll

19 Jan 2018 - 11:44 by michelle.foster

Europia is proud to bring you their first Awards public vote. Out of the 91 nominations received, Europia have now created 7 categories with 23 nominees. Your vote is needed to decide on who is a worthy winner of their Award to recognise the Contribution of and to European Expats in Greater Manchester. Europia Women's Awards

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