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Join the (Manchester) Volunteers' Week 2018 Working Group

22 Feb 2018 - 09:43 by jack.puller

"Volunteers’ Week is an annual celebration of the fantastic contribution millions of volunteers make across the UK. It takes place from 1 - 7 June every year."

The volunteer centre marks Volunteers’ Week annually with events and activities in Manchester: issuing certificates, delivering training, marketing campaigns, volunteering fairs etc.

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Manchester Work Club Funding Programme April 2018-31 March 2020

21 Feb 2018 - 14:56 by michelle.foster

Manchester City Council recognises the important role Work Clubs play in providing flexible and informal employment support to workless Manchester residents. In recognition of the valuable role they play in delivering employment support services, Manchester City Council has made available grant funding for Manchester Work Clubs to apply for. Manchester City Council

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WREN Community Action Fund - apply by 14 March 2018

16 Feb 2018 - 13:23 by michelle.foster

Applications are currently open to the WREN Community Action Fund, which makes grants towards the provision, maintenance or improvement of: WREN
• Village Halls and Community Centres
• Public Play Areas
• Publicly available multi-use games areas, skate parks and BMX tracks
• Sport and recreation grounds including pavilions and clubhouses with full public access
• Churches – community spaces only
• Nature reserves

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The Good Help Award – How purpose and confidence transform lives

16 Feb 2018 - 13:21 by michelle.foster

The Good Help Award will reward an organisation or team that demonstrates they are helping people transform their lives by helping them develop their sense of purpose and confidence to take action. Good Help[ Award

There are three awards available - one £15,000 winner, and two £5,000 runners up. The winners of these awards will be asked to spend the money on activities that support their ‘good help’ work.

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Manchester City Council briefing note on Universal Credit

16 Feb 2018 - 13:19 by michelle.foster

Universal Credit (UC) is the government’s flagship welfare scheme which aims to simplify the benefits system for working age people by bringing together out of work and in work benefits, improve the transition to employment, and make work pay by removing disincentives to work.

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On the Out are raising £200 to support men and women towards a new and positive life as they leave prison

16 Feb 2018 - 13:17 by michelle.foster

On the Out is a project made up of men and women who have experienced life in prison. On the Out knows the barriers faced upon leaving prison because they have `been there`. This helps them to connect to people who need help upon release. On the Out know that the first day of release can be overwhelming. And that coming out with nowhere to stay can make the difference between a new life, and ending up back inside.

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Childline Manchester Volunteering Information Meetings

16 Feb 2018 - 13:15 by michelle.foster

The Volunteer Information Meetings allow you to come along to Childline’s office, meet some of the staff and volunteers and ask any questions you may have. The meetings are a fantastic opportunity for you to find out about their volunteering roles, from the application process through to what it is like to be a volunteer at Childline. ChildLine

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GM Poverty Action newsletter: 3rd map launched; Mary Robinson MP on poverty; SHUSU report; it’s not just UC; GM Living Wage column

16 Feb 2018 - 13:14 by michelle.foster

In the newsletter Greater Manchester Poverty Action (GMPA) launch their third map showing the locations of accredited advisors and sources of information, guidance and help, your help is needed to develop it further. Greater Manchester Poverty Action

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Thrive - A new accelerator for ambitious social ventures wanting to scale their impact

16 Feb 2018 - 13:12 by michelle.foster

UnLtd have launched ‘Thrive’, a brand new three-year Accelerator programme which will provide intensive support to social ventures addressing ‘Access to Employment’ and wanting to scale up quickly. UnLtd are looking for 20 social ventures operating anywhere in the UK that are improving access to employment for those distant from the labour market. UnLtd

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Family and Carers Strategy Refresh – Manchester Services Consultation meeting

16 Feb 2018 - 13:07 by michelle.foster

Greater Manchester Mental Health (GMMH) NHS Foundation Trust is holding a series of consultation meetings in Manchester for carers and staff of GMMH services to look at how they can further develop the Trust Family and Carers Strategy. This strategy currently has four priority areas following consultation across Bolton, Salford, Trafford and Specialist Services. Due to the formation of the new Trust, GMMH would like to ensure the priorities reflect those of carers and staff in Manchester.

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