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Manchester organisations nominate your volunteers for a Volunteers Week certificate endorsed by the Lord Mayor

23 May 2017 - 10:01 by michelle.foster

Volunteers’ Week is an annual event which takes place at the start of June. It celebrates the contribution made by millions of volunteers across the UK. Volunteers week

You can read more about Volunteers’ Week at: http://volunteersweek.org

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Public Signing of Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Memorandum of Understanding

19 May 2017 - 13:51 by michelle.foster

A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) has been agreed between the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector and the Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership. This document is unique and signifies an intention to transform the relationship between the sector and health and social care devolution. Public signing of MoU

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Manchester City Council - Summer Playscheme grants 2017

19 May 2017 - 13:48 by michelle.foster

The purpose of the Playscheme funding is to complement the all year round play offer in Manchester. The funding is to provide free open access play activities, over the summer holidays with a particular focus on addressing gaps in provision, increasing the numbers of disabled children accessing universal play services and increasing children’s opportunities to outdoor play. It is envisaged that this will be done through the delivery of play activities from the Voluntary and Community Sector in Manchester.

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Charity Commission alert: Ransomware threat - keep your charity safe

19 May 2017 - 13:44 by michelle.foster

Charity Commission urges trustees to be vigilant about ransomware attacks. Charity Commission

The Charity Commission, the independent regulator of charities in England and Wales, is issuing this alert to charities as regulatory advice under section 15(2) of the Charities Act 2011.

Charities could be at risk and are urged to be vigilant.

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The NCVO Civil Society Data Almanac has been updated for 2017

19 May 2017 - 13:41 by michelle.foster

Charities can expect to see little rise in income from donations or government, with earned income the best prospect for future growth, according to the 2017 UK Civil Society Almanac published this month. The Almanac is the definitive reference publication on the voluntary sector drawing together trends, facts and information to give a compelling overview of its scope and characteristics, including finances, workforce, and volunteering. NCVO Alamnac

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GM Poverty Action Newsletter: Andy Burnham's poverty pledges; employment rights and Brexit; food insecurity; votes for the homeless

19 May 2017 - 13:39 by michelle.foster

As GE2017 draws near Greater Manchester Poverty Action focus on employment rights, Brexit and Government pledges and look at the rising number of people living as food insecure in the UK. The newsletter opens with congratulating Andy Burnham on his win and highlights the pledges he has made that relate to action on poverty in the city region.

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Central Manchester Community Explorers

19 May 2017 - 13:37 by michelle.foster

Have you ever considered becoming a Coach? Make a difference to your community. Emerging Futures

Emerging Futures CIC are recruiting Volunteer Recovery Coaches to work across Manchester as part of their Community and Housing Team’s. The Coach training is fully accredited by LASER (formerly OCN) and all expenses will be reimbursed.

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Ping! Manchester - Table Tennis Opportunity

19 May 2017 - 11:59 by michelle.foster

Ping! a table tennis participation project which Manchester City Council are working with alongside Table Tennis England for 2017. The idea is to bring table tennis into public spaces across the country - making the sport more visible and accessible to the public. Ping

Ping! is the free street ping pong festival which sees table tennis tables popping up in remarkable and surprising places in 24 towns and cities all over England

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Share Somewhere - Win £500 for your space or for a charity of your choice

19 May 2017 - 11:57 by michelle.foster

Share Somewhere, a new website for promoting spaces so that people can do great things in their community has just been launched and they have a completion to win £500. Share Somewhere

Share Somewhere are encouraging venues to register on their website, whether this is your own space, one you access or other spaces within your community.

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