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HMRC Information and Advice Sessions

26 May 2017 - 11:23 by michelle.foster

Northmoor Community Centre and Supportive Stem have recently secured funding until February 2018 to offer free HMRC Information and advice sessions about Working Tax Credits, Child Tax Credits, Child Benefit and PAYE/Self Employment for you or your community organisation.

Run by Michelle Specialist Advice Worker from Supportive Stem financial inclusion the sessions have been very beneficial in supporting residents with claiming, entitlement underpayments, overpayments and any questions they may have.

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Women as social leaders

26 May 2017 - 11:19 by michelle.foster

Women as social leaders is a new programme by The Orange Club UK in collaboration with Growing East Manchester.

The aim is to connect 20 local women and training them in Social Leadership and Asset Based Community Building Skills.

The pathfinder areas will be Beswick and Openshaw in East Manchester.

This is an invitation to get in touch and learn more about the programme, if you are working and connecting with local women in these two neighbourhoods.

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Boost Course at Fallowfield Library - July – Struggling to handle life’s ups and downs

26 May 2017 - 11:16 by michelle.foster

One Manchester is running a BOOST course at the Place, Fallowfield Library starting in July on Wednesday 12 July 2017 at 11am followed by every Wednesday at 10.30am-12pm.

A free six week course to improve your wellbeing. Boost your:
• Mood
• Thinking
• Relaxation
• Assertiveness
• Confidence
• Motivation
• Understanding
• Communication
• Activity
• Sleep

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Watch the live announcement of our Spirit of Manchester Awards 2017 shortlist

25 May 2017 - 11:16 by michelle.foster

At 12.30pm today our Chief Executive, Mike Wild announced the organisations and volunteers that have been shortlisted for our Spirit of Manchester Awards 2017.

If you missed the webcast, the video will be available to watch on here on Friday.

In the meantime, you can see the shortlist here: https://www.manchestercommunitycentral.org/spirit-of-manchester/spirit-manchester-awards

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Manchester Mind - Coping with traumatic events - Manchester Arena bombing

24 May 2017 - 14:02 by michelle.foster

When terrible things happen, like last night's incident at the Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, it can have a huge lasting impact on how we feel, even if we are not involved directly. Mind

Some common reactions are to feel angry, fearful, anxious or stressed. Others might feel extremely sad or hopeless.

If you have existing mental health problems, events like these could trigger them or make them harder to deal with.

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Mental wellbeing advice - Following the Manchester Arena Incident

24 May 2017 - 13:48 by michelle.foster

This guidance is aimed at anyone exposed to the incident at Manchester Arena that took place on 22 May 2017. The emotional effects will be felt by survivors, bereaved families, friends, emergency services, health care workers and the general public. If you witnessed or lost someone in the attack you will most certainly have a strong reaction. Reactions are likely to be strongest in those closest to the incident, who directly witnessed the aftermath and who were involved in the immediate care of victims.

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GMCA Information for Children and Young People and Families - Manchester Arena Terror Incident 22 May 2017

24 May 2017 - 13:45 by michelle.foster

This information has been provided by the Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) gmca
Following the tragic incident at the MEN Arena on the 22 May, we recognise that many children and young people and parents/carers supporting children and young people will be shocked and saddened by what took place. Children and young people in particular may have questions and it can be difficult to know what to say.

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Statement from the Greater Manchester Interfaith Network, 23 May 2017

24 May 2017 - 09:30 by michelle.foster

Dear All,

Our thoughts today, following the horrendous incident at the Manchester Arena last night, are with those who were caught up in the attack, especially those killed and injured and their families. Such acts of indiscriminate terror have no part in our society and we stand together with all who long for a world in which violence and terror does not have the last word.

As faith and interfaith groups in Manchester, we reaffirm our commitment to working together to increase understanding and respect between all people.

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Information and Helplines for Manchester Arena Incident

23 May 2017 - 13:42 by michelle.foster

We have pulled together a range of information collected so far about the additional support local charities & community organisations are offering in the aftermath of the events.
Scroll down to the foot of the page to view the updates.


Helplines and official contact information


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Macc response to the events at Manchester Evening News Arena

23 May 2017 - 11:09 by michelle.foster

Like everyone else in Manchester and around the country all of us at Macc are horrified by the events which took place in the city centre last night. Our thoughts are with the families and friends of those who died and those who are waiting anxiously for news of their loved ones.

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