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The University of Manchester Students’ Union is seeking a Trustee

3 Mar 2017 - 10:23 by michelle.foster

The University of Manchester Students’ Union (UMSU) is the largest Students’ Union in the country with a track record of providing essential student services and access to a wide range of extra-curricular activities for the last 155 years. It became a registered charity following the 2010 change to granting students’ unions full charitable status that recognises the key part they play in the voluntary and community sector.

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Fastlaners Employability Programme, March 2017 - Recruitment now open

3 Mar 2017 - 10:20 by michelle.foster

Fastlaners is a free employability programme for young people living in Greater Manchester aged 18-25. It equips participants with the knowledge, networks, skills and confidence to improve their job prospects and find meaningful employment. It is ideally suited to young people who have some work experience and/or qualifications and are looking for support to turn their skills and passions into a job they love. Uprising Fastlaners

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Have your say on the Fundraising Code

3 Mar 2017 - 10:17 by michelle.foster

The new Fundraising Regulator has now taken over the Code of Fundraising Practice from the Institute of Fundraising. They are consulting on changes to the Code, particularly around trustee responsibilities, fundraising ‘asks’, vulnerable donors and oversight of third parties. Fundraising regulator

In this first consultation on the Code of Fundraising Practice, the Fundraising Regulator seeks views on the following areas:

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Enhancing social emotional skills provision within Education and Youth Development

3 Mar 2017 - 10:13 by michelle.foster

In 2015, UK Government backed research was published which clearly indicated a need for better availability of provision in building social emotional skills (SES), which directly relate to how adults and young people live healthier, happier and more enjoyable lives. Gamechanger

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Funding bulletin March 2017

1 Mar 2017 - 09:34 by michelle.foster

Information for the bulletin is compiled from a number of sources including Grantfinder, GMCVO (Greater Manchester Council for Voluntary Organisations) and direct from funders themselves. It showcases just a few of the hundreds of funding opportunities available for local community, voluntary and faith organisations.

This bulletin is produced by a partnership of local support and development agencies across Greater Manchester.

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Sporting Memories group

24 Feb 2017 - 09:58 by michelle.foster

Love talking about football and other sports? Chat, share memories and meet other older sports fans at this friendly Sporting Memories group at the National Football Museum. Sessions are free, with refreshments provided. Sporting Memories group

The sessions will be held on Mondays, 10:30am-12pm, fortnightly from 27 February 2017 at the National Football Museum, Cathedral Gardens, Manchester, M4 3BG.

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Living with and beyond cancer group

24 Feb 2017 - 09:55 by michelle.foster

New members are always made welcome to the living with and beyond cancer group, which is open to anyone in Manchester and surrounding areas. Everyone has had cancer or is living with the condition. There is a lively chat each time on a different theme with everyone sharing and learning from each other.

The group meets in the Post-Graduate Centre at North Manchester General Hospital at 10am-12noon.

Dates in 2017:
Thursday 6 April, Thursday 8 June, Thursday 10 August, Thursday 5 October, Thursday 14 December.

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Final Greater Manchester Transport Strategy 2040

24 Feb 2017 - 09:54 by michelle.foster

During summer 2016, Greater Manchester held a 12-week long public consultation on a draft 2040 Transport Strategy for the city region, which set out long-term proposals to create a cleaner, greener, more prosperous city region through better transport connections and simpler travel. What could travel look like in 25 years?

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Street parties planned to remember murdered MP Jo Cox

24 Feb 2017 - 09:50 by michelle.foster

Thousands of street parties, picnics and baking competitions will be held on 17 and 18 June to remember MP Jo Cox, a year after she was murdered. The Greate Get Together

Her widower Brendan said the UK-wide event, called The Great Get Together, would be a "fitting tribute" to the mother-of-two who died on 16 June 2016.

Her murder was "designed to divide our country" so uniting in this way would be "a powerful statement", he added.

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