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Interventions in community organisations to improve health and wellbeing and reduce health inequalities

29 Mar 2017 - 10:00 by michelle.foster

The National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Public Health Research Programme wishes to commission primary research on the effectiveness of interventions in community organisations for improving health and wellbeing and reducing health inequalities. Proposals must evaluate interventions with the potential for wider future application to build evidence for local decision makers. Studies must have a primary health outcome.

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Inscape students hosting #BigBlueBake in celebration of world autism awareness week

29 Mar 2017 - 09:57 by michelle.foster

InCafe is hosting a Big Blue Bake to mark this year’s World Autism Awareness Week. Big Blue Bake

Pupils and staff are inviting the public to join them for afternoon tea with a difference offering guests a selection of blue cupcakes, sponges and cake pops.

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Solidarity event for Westminster Attack

28 Mar 2017 - 13:17 by michelle.foster

The Faith Network for Manchester (FN4M) are arranging an act as a mark of respect and to send a message of solidarity amongst all our communities to coincide with the London event tomorrow. The London Met are holding a minute silence by getting people to link arms along Westminster Bridge at 2.40pm this Wednesday 29 March.

FN4M are requesting your assistance in being able to organise this locally, i.e. 2.40pm this Wednesday. FN4M are also hoping for everyone to call the venue 'Westminster Bridge' for that minute of silence and use the #westandtogether.

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£200,000 for UK social enterprises - Supporting social innovation with Crowdfunder

24 Mar 2017 - 11:17 by michelle.foster

Santander teams up with Crowdfunder to launch new £200,000 fund to support social enterprises and community projects across the UK. Changemaker is a fund to help social enterprises, small charities and community groups to deliver projects in the UK that create innovative solutions to improve communities. Santander

Santander has £200,000 to support Changemakers who turn to the Crowd to make great ideas happen.

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The Sage Foundation

24 Mar 2017 - 11:15 by michelle.foster

The Sage Foundation fund is designed to support organisations that are looking to generate further income, create new initiatives or enhance existing and proven activity. Grants of between $5,000 - $35,000(USD) will be awarded. Sage Foundation

The new fund is open to applications that will deliver real change to young people, women and military veterans lives around the world, whilst also supporting your organisation to thrive.

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Community Links for Health - Soft Market Testing event

24 Mar 2017 - 11:07 by michelle.foster

North, Central and South Manchester Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) and Manchester City Council are committed to delivering a radical upgrade in prevention and public health, as outlined in the NHS Five Year Forward View. As part of its prevention programme, the CCGs intend to tender a citywide ‘Community Links for Health’ service to support the registered population of Central, North, and South Manchester. NHS CCGs

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Young Manchester update – Chief Executive appointment

24 Mar 2017 - 10:44 by michelle.foster

Young Manchester has released the following update:

‘On behalf of the Board of Trustees, I am pleased to inform you that we have appointed Michelle Farrell-Bell to the position of Chief Executive of Young Manchester. Young Manchester

With over 30 years’ experience working in children’s charities and local authorities across the North of England, Michelle’s background is rooted in both Youth and Community and Social Work.

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