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Good Eggs needed

21 Feb 2017 - 12:27 by michelle.foster

Do you know a ‘Good Egg’ who you’d like to nominate for an Easter eggsEaster campaign?

Do you know someone who does/has done amazing things for the community? 

VickiLou casting are looking for contributors to feature in short film for a well-known brand.

This can be anybody has done or does something heart-warming for others. It doesn't have to be huge, just something special.

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Older Peoples message to the Greater Manchester Mayoral Candidates

16 Feb 2017 - 11:44 by michelle.foster

A group of older people across Greater Manchester have drafted up key messages to present to Mayoral Candidates. Today they’ve released two films documenting their questions, requests and ideas which focus on the big issues including health, transport, homes and democracy.

The short films made by and featuring members of the Greater Manchester Older Peoples Network talk about their views and hopes for an age friendly Greater Manchester. The scale of the task to unite the 10 districts of Greater Manchester was highlighted as a concern.

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Manchester International Women’s Festival 2017

16 Feb 2017 - 11:39 by michelle.foster

The Manchester International Women’s festival is here …Manchester is an amazing city buzzing with excitement with world class sports, arts and culture. What makes Manchester special and like nothing else on earth is its people. Manchester people are doers and the women of Manchester are no exception. Their contribution to the city is huge. Women are the backbone to family life, help create safe and happy neighbourhoods inspiring trust and friendship and contribute enormously to the economy and across the professions and all other areas of work.

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GM Poverty Action Newsletter - 15 February 2017

16 Feb 2017 - 11:24 by michelle.foster

This issue includes a report on 30 years of food banking in the USA and considers what can be learnt from their experience; Work and Wages series of articles, this time looking at the need to look for creative answers to the job market, the GM Housing Providers Poverty Issue news, which provides a brief update on homelessness and shares information about free training courses on energy awareness, as well as the usual forthcoming local events.

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